Your opinion

Question Description Read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with the paragraph 1.Ancient astronomy has played such a large role in or lives today. In early times different cultures would use their knowledge to attempt to predict weather...

Report Writing Grant Proposal Student

Question Description Project AssignmentIn this application, you are a non-profit organization seeking a grant from New Horizons Foundation for a worthwhile philanthropic project. As part of this project, you have been asked to write a proposal to the foundation.Here...

Delivery of Lesson

Question Description Imagine that you taught the lesson plan attached. Discuss the success and challenges that can occur. Summarize and reflect upon the lesson in 250-500 words. Identify the areas that went well as well as areas to improve upon. In addition, reflect...

Assignment 1: Medicaid Expansion (3-4 Page Paper)

Question Description Healthcare Operations Management Assignment 1: Medicaid Expansion Imagine that you are a health policy analyst for a state that has not elected to expand Medicaid as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). You have just been notified that the state...

short discussion 2 replies 3 parts

Question Description One of the few books about economics to recently hit the New York Times bestseller’s list was Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner. The book was so popular they even made a movie about it. The specialty of Levitt and Dubner is applying economics to...