Question Description
Upbringing Fails
Failed Parenting with a Toxic Future
Schuitt, Cynthia
Composition 1
Professor Lampert, Tara
Cynthia Schuitt Schuitt 1
T. Lampert
Composition 1
General Purpose: To Inform
Essay Method: Argumentative
I. Introduction
Hook:Disruptive children are developing a chaotic life for thefuture. Through generations in American society, parenting techniques are ever changing. However, parents are not holding up to their basic responsibilities to our societies future.First:Parents; either lazy, ignorant, irresponsible, or blatant disregard for a healthy homestead, are producing toxic alignments within growing children. Secondly:It spreads like an uncontrollable virus as parents are notdeveloping appropriate and successful behaviors. Third:Parents lake of observation of Child-society interaction is prevalent, as young kids are developing unethical behaviors towards authority. Thesis:Society is extremelyinfluential,making a solid child upbringing essential. Children have fundamental needs that are started with home support, and built upon with appropriate levels of discipline and respect.Parenting has been called the ultimate long-term investment. It’s one of the most complex and challenging jobs you’ll face in your lifetime — and also the most rewarding.
II. Body
A. Transition:
1. Basic needs pyramid
2. Emotional neglect
3. Over parenting as a flaw
B. 1. Healthy discipline
2.Respect for authority
C. 1. Parents observation of child care other than home
2. Children’s society association
III. Conclusion
Thesis: Through generation in American society, view of parenting techniques change. However parents are not holding up to their responsibility to our societies future. Society is extremely diverse making a solid child upbringing essential. Children have basic building block needs that are started with home care and support without coddling, while ensuring appropriate levels of discipline and respect.
Cynthia Schuitt Schuitt 1
T. Lampert
Composition 1
Failed Parenting with a Toxic Future
Disruptive children are developing a chaotic life for the future. Through generations in American society, parenting techniques are ever changing. However, parents are not holding up to their basic responsibilities to our societies future.Parents; either lazy, ignorant, irresponsible, or blatant disregard for a healthy homestead, are producing toxic alignments within growing children.It spreads like an uncontrollable virus as parents are not developing appropriate and successful behaviors. Parents lake of observation of Child-society interaction is prevalent, as young kids are developing unethical behaviors towards authority. Society is extremely influential, making a solid child upbringing essential. Children have fundamental needs that are started with home support, and built upon with appropriate levels of discipline and respect. ” Parenting has been called the ultimate long-term investment. ” It’s one of the most complex and challenging jobs you’ll face in your lifetime…”(Web MD)
Childhood circumstances are unequal but is not an excusefor lazy parenting. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs,Saul LcLeod states “Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up.” The base of the Hierarchy is predominantly human nature, the needs to sustain a human body. However the following two tiers, safety/security and belongingness if neglected can fault a child’s growth and development. The sense of security is easily provided by a daily routine. Parents neglecting children, requires them to fend for themselves.Thus, adding stress which the bodypushing endorphins to the brain, causing mental damage and emotional numbness. Or they will seek sanctuary elsewhere. Then there are the over parenting population who are so worried about a child’s self esteem resulting in regression, instead of allow their child to fail for progression. This gives children a since of entitlement and a lack of understanding of the authority hierarchy. Resulting in behavioral problems.
Discipline is a tool that parents are either not using correctly or just not using at all. As a Region Specialist in Human Development and Family Science, Angie Fletcher States “Every adult who cares for children has a responsibility to guide, correct and socialize them towards appropriate behavior.” In her article she speaks of the different types of parenting styles and potential outcomes. The authoritative style, provides a healthy balance between our neglectful parents and coddlers. Parents not providing a basic understanding of authority is mostly due to neglect of discipline or allowing children to believe ” that her power is equal to yours” as Janet Lehman explains why you can’t be your child’s friend.She continues with ,” This will block your ability to be responsible and accountable with your child, because you wont be able to effectively set limits and give consequences when she misbehaves.”This is particularly frustrating when students are defiant or abusive to those in authority and upload to social media.
Many of these cases are negative influence on a child from various media and society. Parental observation of a child’s out of home exposure is not monitored, mitigated, or controlled.Children are connected to social media, exposing them to a plethora of negative outside influence to include their community. In a study of non-parental influences, both important and non-important, can have negative influence that was observed, modeled, or characterized in the community. Modeling such actions, is a false Self-Actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy.
Parents, your comfort was broken when you became a parent. And your action as a responsible adult is to provide the foundation of basic needs of the children’s home care and support. Develop your authoritative style. And be present and observant of your child media and social settings. The toxic is spreading. Though out dated, the relevance remains true, “It is of utmost importance that today’s parents do not lend themselves to easily impressed by social demands to be more successful…they must think over carefully what to do they consider their values and ideals…”.