Question Description

Submit a presentation summary of the policy proposal you created from last week’s Discussion. Be sure to incorporate feedback from your colleagues. Make sure that your summary presentation provides a solid rationale for the passage of your policy, using reputable sources from experts in the field. This should be a simulation of a summary presentation you would make to “real-world” policy leaders, so make sure you are succinct and informative. You can include any visual aids that you think help your presentation.

Your presentation summary should be 4–5 minutes and no more than 6 minutes.

Make sure that your assertions are supported by appropriate research and reputable resources.

Last weeks Policy Proposal submitted

RE: Discussion – Week 6

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Post a brief summary of the policy proposal and its purpose that you created based on either Jose’s or Iris’s situation and the trade-offs you used to develop your proposal.

Jose is a 42 year-year-old Latino male. He is homeless and has a substance abuse problem (Plummer et al., 2014). He has been arrested numerous times for vagrancy but because of his substance abuse problem, he is homeless. Until he can get his substance problem under control, he will continue to get arrested. For Jose to recover his life, he will need access to both substance abuse treatment and housing. Even though politicians and social support organizations understand the only way to help the homeless is to address the problems that cause them to become homeless in the first place. The new policy would grant ample funding to homeless organizations, so they can assist people life Jose get off the streets. Resources should be afforded to the homeless that help them address their substance abuse issues along with mental health issues, providing housing, and helping the homeless get an education. Funding the new policy would require an addition five billion dollars in funding every year. A trade-off is how policy ranks high in one criterion but may be lower on another criterion (Jansson, 2018). A trade-off would be providing temporary instead of permanent housing. Permanent housing would be far costlier. The policy can fund temporary housing to help people like Jose get a job and save up money for a home. It is far more important to address substance abuse or mental health problems so they person has the strength to recover their lives.


Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/ColeCengage Learning Series.

Plummer, S.-B, Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Teacher Feedback

RE: Discussion – Week 6


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Great assessment of the case and the trade off you mentioned is appropriate!

PeerFeed back

Joey L. Wallace

A colleague who selected a different case from yours with another approach to address the identified problem.

Substance abuse is often a major cause of homelessness, addictive disorders disrupt relationships with family and friends and often cause people to lose their jobs. I would make a proposal that could help Jose and other who suffer from homelessness by offering a program that can help them see how their addiction is having a negative effect on their lives. The program would allow the homeless individual to stay in a shared home with individual rooms. The program would only accept volunteer individual who agreed to participate in mandatory detox, counseling and a workshop program. The individuals would be drug tested weekly and sometimes randomly, if any signs of drugs after a month in the program they would be removed. The program would be for 12 months and upon completion any individual with small crimes could have them expunged, this would help when they join the work force. The organization would partner with the city housing department so after completion of the program the individual would have a home. Lastly the individual would have to sign a contract allowing for an additional year of random drug screening after being released from the program.

What is the responsibility of the social workers working with Jose to advocate for a change in the social policy?

The job of the social worker is to advocate for federal and state funding for substance abuse treatment and prevention programs that targets homeless substance abusers. It is also necessary for the social worker to advocate for insurance for these individuals because very few homeless people have insurance to cover the cost of treatment.


Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social

justice (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series

Plummer, S.-B, Makris, S., Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration

year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Substance abuse and homelessness., (2009). National Coalition for the Homeless. Washington, DC. Retrieved October 5, 2018, from…

Peer Feedback from Jacquelyn Bradley

I enjoyed reading your post. Another approach in helping with Jose, would be housing on a military facility, there are base closure facilities, that are not being used, or the government is trying to sell them. They are already set up so off the back that helps with the cost in a big way.

The social worker can help in the strengthening of new and existing collaborative efforts to address homelessness at all levels of government and among local providers and consumers is a distinguishing feature of the last decade of homeless assistance (Home Page, 2018).

I believe advocacy will always be a continual piece of the puzzle for Social Workers. Social workers help the poor by providing advocacy services, such as acting as mediators or directly intervening with social services organizations or governmental agencies. For example, a social worker may advocate on behalf of a client facing eviction with local housing organizations or help the client locate community resources, such as church and religious organizations, that might help pay the rent on a temporary basis. (Home Page, 2018).


Home Page. (2018). Retrieved from

Per Feedback from Rakira Bostic

I agree with your post . In response to the case of Jose it is important for social workers to advocate for clients like Jose who have substance abuse issues and find themselves homeless. As you mentioned, it is important to address the issue as to why this particular client is homeless. In the case of Jose it is due to his substance abuse problem. A policy addressing the clients individual need is one that social workers should advocate for because if the individual reasonings for their situation are not address then we will continue to see a never ending cycle of homelessness or people with substance abuse problem. There will be a never ending cycle of homelessness or substance abuse problem if political policies do not address these social issues ! It is the duty of social worker to advocate for clients and address social issues therefore making it the responsibility of the social worker as a change agent to address this particular social issue. If Social Worker do not advocate for change for their client then again there will be a never ending cycle of these social issues.

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