n 200-250 words answer

 the following  with references I have included an example on what it should look like 

One you developed the ZOPA (zone of possible agreement) and BATNA  (best alternative for a negotiated agreement) for Sharon Slade,  Netflix's chief human resources officer, for use in the upcoming  negotiations.

In this assignment, put yourself in the shoes of Alice Jones, the executive facing possible severance in our case study.

Develop  a ZOPA and BATNA position for Alice, based on your review of her  biography and the background information in the case study (located in  the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment  Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course). As you develop your  response, consider the following:

  • If Alice were fired, what would be unacceptable options for her in a severance agreement?
  • What options could Alice offer that could move severance negotiations toward her goal of keeping her position at Netflix?

Then, determine Alice Jones' best alternative to a negotiated  agreement (BATNA), i.e., her "Plan B." It is important to do this before  entering into negotiations to ensure that she does not agree to  unfavorable conditions. Questions that can help formulate Alice Jones'  BATNA include:

  • What do you believe are the interests of the other party, i.e., Sharon Slade and Netflix?
  • What actions and alternatives are you prepared to consider if you  (Alice Jones) cannot reach a negotiated agreement within your Zone of  Possible Agreement?
  • What creative alternatives can be considered based on the interests of the other party (Sharon Slade & Netflix)?
  • What trade-offs on the standard ZOPA exist that could result in a creative, successful agreement?