In this discussion you will use the five sources you selected last week to create a brief summary of your research topic. The document itself will only be a page but you will also be required to provide an APA formatted title page (see 2.2  for title page 2.3-2.8), abstract (2.9-2.10), and reference list (2.12).  Your submission should have the following:

1.) Title page

2.) Abstract page

3.) One page with 5 sources cited in text

4.) Reference page with five sources from module 4


Please progress through this module as follows:

  1. Read

APA manual: Chapter 2

Sager, E. (1976). Operational definition. Journal of Business Communication, 14(1), 23–26. to an external site.

  1. Watch videos within module Operational definitions: to an external site.
  2. Subjectivity: to an external site.