Question Description
Read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with the paragraph
Ancient astronomy has played such a large role in or lives today. In early times different cultures would use their knowledge to attempt to predict weather or even future events. These different civilizations were able to give us calenders, a way to predict when to start growing crops and even trivial things such as zodiac signs. In my opinion being able to know when harvesting crops is ideal is the best thing that ancient civilizations have given us with their knowledge and practice in astrology. Being able to do this helps us know when fruits and vegetables are best to be eaten. Also the concept of time which is another great gift these civilizations have given us. The questions I’ve always had questions about astrology when it comes to ancient civilizations. For instances, how did the Egyptians know what the North Star was and why did they think of it to be so important that the build their pyramids to mirror the consolation in the sky? I hope to get some of the questions answered or at least gain more understanding through this course.
The Egyptians were very advance for their time. Many of our science and knowledge of the stars has come from them. You talked about Orion and how the pyramid were a lined to it. This reminded me of a documentary I had watched years ago of how some of the pyramids have small holes in the side that would line up to Orion and other constellation. The scientist were still trying to figure out why and for what the built the pyramids this way. it was very interesting.
NASA is Americas well-known space program throughout the world, and created the spacecraft known as Voyager 1. According to Elizabeth Howell, (2018), Voyager 1 is the first spacecraft to reach interstellar space. It originally was launched (along with Voyager 2) in 1977 to explore the outer planets in our solar system. However, it has remained operational long past expectations and continues to send information about its journeys back to Earth. The spacecraft officially entered interstellar space in August 2012, almost 35 years after its voyage began. The discovery wasn’t made official until 2013 (Howell, 2018, webpage
To be asked to describe how advanced aliens would have to be to visit Earth is like asking someone to levitate an object with their mind. In theory, the task is not impossible but improbable. However, it is my interpretation that an extra-terrestrial would need to be exceedingly advanced beyond what we know to be leading, state-of-the-art technology. Certain measures would need to be accounted for to be able to travel great distances. For example, time, fuel, anti-gravity propulsion, and physiological sustainability.
Since the release of the information regarding the existence of multiple galaxies it would seem reasonable to think life could exist elsewhere. I happen to believe that life can be both carbon based and silicone based. Logically speaking, our Milky Way Galaxy could have other life-forms apart from earth. I hypothesize that non-terrestrial life-forms have the potentiality to travel from within our own galaxy and from interstellar space. Neil deGrasse Tyson used our own ocean as a practical example of the universe. The idea is that one person may be looking for life existing in an ocean, and may take a cup to scoop up some of that ocean water while looking for a whale. In other-words we all know whales exist, but we will never find it in a cup of water. At a very young age, I never once believed that earth was an isolated occurrence, or that there was a spontaneous explosion that created the universe without cause.
So many of us go about our days not noticing the life forms that surround us, unless we are stung, bitten, or inconvenienced by their presence in some way. Most of the time we take for granted that they are even there, and ultimately ignore their presence. We go about our business, and the other life forms go about theirs. The same would apply to a higher more advanced life form. Why would you bother with an ant hill, unless you wanted to study the colony?
Explain the farthest distance that humans and unmanned missions can travel today.
As of today, the farthest that an unmanned space mission has travel would be the Voyager 1. It was launched in 1977 and is still traveling through space. In 2012 the Voyager left our solar system and enter interstellar space. Most all the great pictures that we see of Jupiter and Saturn, along with pictures of deep space have all come from Voyager one. The next big encounter by Voyager will take place 40,000 years from now when it will be 1.7 light years away from star AC+79 3888 (Howell, 2018), this star is roughly 17.5 light years away from earth. It is believed that Voyagers power supply will be depleted by the year 2025 so no data of this encounter will be sent back to Earth.
The farthest a manned mission has travel is 380,000km, this would be the distance between Earth and the Moon. In 1969 the lunar module Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins piloted the space ship. There is an estimated theory that man could travel about 750 trillion kilometers into space if they were travelling for most of their life at 95% of the speed of light and lived to nearly 100, this would happen only if they did not encounter any of the physical barriers in space.
Are there other beings out there in space? Recorded sightings of UFOs and aliens have
Been documented or told by civilization dating way way back, with drawings on cave walls to
modern day. Could there be other life forms? It all depends in what you believe in I guess. Are
you a believer that the world was created by God or by science? From what we know about our
solar system we have not yet found any other life forms, so that would mean that any aliens
would have to travel from much farther galaxies. For another life form to travel to Earth from
another galaxy, they would have to far more advance in science and space travel then we are
here on our planet. They would have to be able to travel at a high rate of speed, light years, which
we cannot. To be able to travel like they would need to, this would mean the other life forms would
must harness such a power source that would be far more advanced than ours. The aliens would
have to be able to travel through space without issues, dealing with high energy partials, asteroid
fields, or atmosphere. Some people think in 1947 a UFO crashed near Roswell New Mexico. They
believe the government found the crash site and then removed all evidence of said crash. The
U.S. Military stated that it was merely a conventional weather balloon. Could there be others living
somewhere out there in space? Anything is possible