Question Description

3 Instructions and Checklist

Cause and Effect Argument


In Module/Week 7, you will write a 1,200–1,500-word cause and effect argument essay from the thesis/outline that you submitted in Module/Week 7. Please note the word count does not include citations.

Cause and Effect Essay Prompt

Write a cause and effect argument in which you address the question, “How has social media impacted American culture?”

Proofreading Checklist

Use the Essay 3 Grading Rubric in Blackboard and the proofreading checklist to draft and revise your essay. Read through your paper and check the appropriate boxes on the chart below. If any area of your paper needs revision, make sure you correct it before submitting your essay.

Reading & Study Application


Needs Revision

1.Introduction: Establishes a context for the argument by explaining the need to examine causes or to consider effects; states the essay’s thesis (Make sure you address one of the prompt questions.)

2.Background: Gives an overview of the situation

3.Evidence: discusses less important causes or effects

4.Evidence: discusses major causes or effects

5.Integrates at least 4 quotes, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase from at least 3 outside sources

6.Refutation of opposing arguments: Considers and rejects other possible causes or effects

7.Conclusion: Reinforces the argument’s main point; includes a strong concluding statement

8.Contains pathos (emotional) appeals, ethos (values/belief) appeals, and/or logos (factual) appeals as appropriate

9.Title reflects issue and proposal information

10.Uses only third person pronouns (all first and second person pronouns have been removed)

11.If using current APA format, contains properly formatted, title, abstract, and References page.

If using MLA format, contains a properly formatted Works Cited page

If using Turabian format, contains a properly formatted title page and Bibliography page

12.Double spaced; 12-point Times New Roman font

13.Uses signal phrases and appropriate transtions

15. References/Works Cited/ Bibliography page includes all sources cited within the body of the essay

14.Checked spelling, grammar/mechanics

Submitting the Assignment

When you are satisfied with the quality of your essay, post it to Blackboard via the SafeAssign link for grading. Do not forget to write your degree program and whether you are using current MLA, APA, or Turabian on the title page and in the “Submission Title” field when submitting your paper.

IMPORTANT: Fully cite all quotations, summaries, and paraphrases used within your essay, or those excerpts will be regarded as plagiarism and will result in a “0” on your essay and possible course failure.

Topic: Effects of Social Media

In Module/ Week 6, you must develop an outline for your 1200-1500 word cause and effect argument essay that you will write in Module/Week 7. Your outline should include a clear thesis statement and a plan of support. Be sure to consider all parts identified in “The Elements of Argument (Planning a Cause and Effect Argument)” in the textbook readings, and include at least the minimum requirements listed in the chart below for this week’s assignment. Your research sources must be credible and appropriate for an academic essay. Include at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) into your essay from at least 3 outside sources to support your thesis statement and provide opposing arguments. Be sure to document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian). You may include biblical support. (Note: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source for academic writing.)

Cause and Effect Essay Prompt

Write a cause and effect argument in which you address the question, “How has social media impacted American culture?”

Helpful Hints

  • Read “Outlining a Cause and Effect Argument” in your textbook to understand all parts in an cause and effect essay.
  • Use the Questia and Jerry Falwell Library Research links in Blackboard to locate credible academic sources.
  • Review the Essay 3 Thesis/Outline Grading Rubric before submitting your thesis/outline in Blackboard.

Part 1

Included below is the minimum that you must include in your thesis/outline; however, taking the time to construct a complete and thorough outline will help you save time when you write your actual essay.

(Minimum) Outline Requirements


Needs Revision

1. Thesis statement: Makes a clear argument explaining the need to examine causes or consider effects relative to the topic.

2. Evidence: Presents points that support the thesis based on the principle (In your outline, include at least the minimum number of required paraphrases, summaries, and/or quotes from outside sources as indicated in assignment instructions.)

3. Opposing argument(s): Presents viewpoints opposing your thesis argument giving special consideration to opposition of the ethical principle. (Including the strongest opposition to refute helps build your credibility and convinces your audience to consider or adopt your position.)

4. Documentation Requirements for Outline (Include minimum number of sources required for this assignment.):

If using current APA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a References page.

If using current MLA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a Works Cited page.

If using current Turabian format, include properly formatted footnotes and Bibliography page.

Part 2

When you are satisfied with the quality of your outline, post it to Blackboard. Do not forget to write your degree program and whether you are using current MLA, APA, or Turabian on the title page and in the “Submission Title” field when submitting your paper.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.

Topic: Effects of Social Media

In Module/ Week 6, you must develop an outline for your 1200-1500 word cause and effect argument essay that you will write in Module/Week 7. Your outline should include a clear thesis statement and a plan of support. Be sure to consider all parts identified in “The Elements of Argument (Planning a Cause and Effect Argument)” in the textbook readings, and include at least the minimum requirements listed in the chart below for this week’s assignment. Your research sources must be credible and appropriate for an academic essay. Include at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) into your essay from at least 3 outside sources to support your thesis statement and provide opposing arguments. Be sure to document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian). You may include biblical support. (Note: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source for academic writing.)

Cause and Effect Essay Prompt

Write a cause and effect argument in which you address the question, “How has social media impacted American culture?”

Helpful Hints

  • Read “Outlining a Cause and Effect Argument” in your textbook to understand all parts in an cause and effect essay.
  • Use the Questia and Jerry Falwell Library Research links in Blackboard to locate credible academic sources.
  • Review the Essay 3 Thesis/Outline Grading Rubric before submitting your thesis/outline in Blackboard.

Part 1

Included below is the minimum that you must include in your thesis/outline; however, taking the time to construct a complete and thorough outline will help you save time when you write your actual essay.

(Minimum) Outline Requirements


Needs Revision

1. Thesis statement: Makes a clear argument explaining the need to examine causes or consider effects relative to the topic.

2. Evidence: Presents points that support the thesis based on the principle (In your outline, include at least the minimum number of required paraphrases, summaries, and/or quotes from outside sources as indicated in assignment instructions.)

3. Opposing argument(s): Presents viewpoints opposing your thesis argument giving special consideration to opposition of the ethical principle. (Including the strongest opposition to refute helps build your credibility and convinces your audience to consider or adopt your position.)

4. Documentation Requirements for Outline (Include minimum number of sources required for this assignment.):

If using current APA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a References page.

Part 2

When you are satisfied with the quality of your outline, post it to Blackboard. Do not forget to write your degree program and APA on the title page and in the “Submission Title” field when submitting your paper.