Question Description

Causes of Depression Issue Analysis Worksheet

Purpose: The Causes of Depression Analysis Worksheet’s purpose is to guide your steps in analyzing the resources from the resource list in the Unit 4 studies and Capella Library regarding the cause of depression from the perspective you have chosen to research. This worksheet will lead you through the research process by providing a systematic way to analyze the resources you have chosen to research. As you review resources, you will use the worksheet to analyze the authors’ positions on the issue and the arguments they present to support their positions. To fill out the worksheet, work your way down through the analysis components for each individual article and record your analysis for each component in the cell under the title of the article you are reviewing. You will submit your Causes of Depression Analysis Worksheet to the Unit 4 assignment.

Learner Name:

Name of Perspective:

Analysis Components

Causes of Depression Research Articles
APA reference for article:

APA reference for article:

The main purpose of this article is: [State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article. What is the author’s position or point of view?]

The main arguments that the author is making are: [Determine the main arguments the author makes to support their position.]

The evidence or facts the author uses in this article to support their arguments are: Identify the facts, data, or resources the author uses to support his or her argument.

The main conclusion[s] and inference[s] in this article are: [Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article.]

The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking are: [Think about what the author is assuming to be true and what might be questioned. To expand on this statement, you will need to think about the larger context of the topic.]

If we accept the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are: [What consequence does the author’s argument have on our understanding of current research and theory?]

If we reject the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are: [What consequence does rejecting the author’s argument have on our understanding of current research and theory?]

The ethical implications of the research and findings are:

[What ethics were addressed in the research, or what ethics would need to be addressed in implementing the research findings?]

Causes of Depression Issue Analysis

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Apply information literacy and library research skills to obtain scholarly information in the field of psychology.
      • Provide the APA citations for two scholarly articles that support a position on the causes of depression.
    • Competency 2: Apply psychological principles to topics in psychology.
      • Identify the arguments each author uses to support his or her point of view and the quality of the evidence used to support the arguments.
    • Competency 3: Analyze scholarly information and research findings through critical thinking to solve problems in the field of psychology.
      • Describe the authors’ points of view and purpose in writing each article.
      • Identify multiple assumptions that the authors make.
      • Describe each author’s conclusions in the article and the implications of those conclusions.
    • Competency 4: Apply ethical principles and standards to topics in psychology.
      • Explain the ethical implications of the research and findings.
    • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
      • Write in a manner that is scholarly in tone, easy to follow, and free from grammatical and spelling errors.For this assignment, you will analyze two scholarly research articles concerning the causes of depression. To help you with your position and arguments for the Unit 5 debate discussion and Unit 6 paper on the causes of depression, select two articles that relate to the side you will take in the debate.The worksheet is similar to the article analysis you completed in Unit 2. In addition to the elements of purpose, point of view, assumptions, arguments, and evidence, for this worksheet, you will provide APA references and consider the inferences, conclusions, and implications of the findings from the research.You may select one article from the debate resources in this unit’s studies. You will choose the second article from the Capella library. If you do not find an article that you would like to use in the debate resources list, you may choose two from the Capella library:
    • After selecting and reading your articles, complete the Causes of Depression Issue Analysis Worksheet.
    • Submit your worksheet to Turnitin under the Unit 4 assignment link.
    • Finally, submit your worksheet to your instructor for grading.Refer to the Causes of Depression Issue Analysis Scoring Guide to understand how this assignment will be graded and ensure you meet the grading criteria.

Articles Supporting the Position That Biological Factors Are the Cause of Depression