Question Description

The Science and Technology Division of DHS is divided into six operating units for research and development of technology, as well as means and methods of enhancing and protecting the integrity of the security of the United States.

FEMA’s Building Science Branch consists of subject matter experts who work to develop tools used to foster a disaster-resilient environment.

In this assignment, you will research and examine the various aspects of federal science and technology organizations.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in a research paper of 750–1,000 words:
    • Research 3 Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) science and technology organizations. The following are examples:
      • Borders and Maritime Security Division
      • Chemical and Biological Division
      • Command, Control, and Interoperability Division
      • Explosives Division
      • Human Factors Behavioral Sciences Division
      • Infrastructure and Geophysical Division
      • Building Science Branch
    • Describe and discuss the selected organizations with regard to the following:
      • What are the organizational goals? Explain.
      • What are the organization’s functions, activities, operations, and exercises? Describe and summarize them.
      • What does the organization produce? Explain.
      • Presently, what are the contributions made by the organization? Be as specific as possible.
    • Assuming you work for the DHS Science and Technology Division, what would be your argument to convince an angry audience of protestors that a controversial tool, such as scanning vans or facial recognition technology, is in the best interest of security?
      • How do these not constitute an illegal search requiring probable cause?
      • Even if you disagree, you must play devil’s advocate and fully support your argument

    • Task 2:
    • For this project, you will assume a position of a law enforcement agency employee. You are required to research and present an examination of an actual detection, inspection, or surveillance tool that will increase the capability of an agency to identify or thwart threats that would cause considerable damage to a populace if successful. In addition to the technological capabilities and the expected result, consider the cost to an agency in monetary terms, goodwill to the public, and consequences if the tool is or is not purchased and deployed.Also, research the way 2–3 detection, inspection, or surveillance technologies are moving to ensure security of the United States and ways to mitigate potential threats to security. You should pursue a corresponding humanistic (legal or ethical) approach to ensure that the technology being used for security does not, at the same time, take away or infringe upon the basic natural rights of people. You must address the technologies with regard to physical, legal, ethical, technological, and human use limitations.Assignment Guidelines
      • Address the following in a research paper of 750–1,000 words:
        • Describe and summarize your selected detection, inspection, or surveillance technology that could be used to increase law enforcement agency capabilities.
          • How exactly will the technology be able to improve the ability of an agency to prevent or mitigate catastrophic events? Explain.
          • Consider the following when evaluating the technology:
            • Monetary costs
            • Benefits to civilian populations
            • Consequences of not implementing the technology
        • Next, select and briefly summarize 2–3 different detection, inspection, or surveillance technologies that are currently being used to ensure the security of the United States.
        • Address the following questions for each of the selected technologies:
          • How expensive and complex is the technology? Explain.
          • What are the implications of the technology with regard to citizens’ rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution? Explain.
          • What unethical activities could the use of this technology facilitate? Explain.
          • How can human error play a role in the use of this technology? Explain.

      Task 3

    • Social scientists know that research is a continuing process. OFC Lightly chose a place to start to consider his topic, but also knows he has many more pieces to contemplate if he wants to deliver the best possible community policing plan to help reduce the incidence of property crime.OFC Lightly, in formulating his research plan, realizes something important. He has only considered examining citizen activities and attitudes in areas were the incidence of property crime is high. He believes the citizens, the geographic areas and the sensibilities of the community should be reconsidered; he realizes he must look at other factors.Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:
      • What are some other potential factors OFC Lightly should evaluate in his research? Identify and describe.
        • Why should they be examined? Explain.
      • What can OFC Lightly learn by looking at these elements? Explain.
      • OFC Lightly decided to enlarge his scope to expand his plan to the whole community, whether or not its members have been victims of property crime.
        • What do you think will be the significance of this information when gathered? Why?
      • What other potential measures and solutions do you think can be considered in his planning besides encouraging citizens’ active participation? Explain.
        • Do these need to be evaluated in this research? Explain your answer.
      • Reexamine the variables that OFC Lightly operationalized.
        • What problems might OFC Lightly have with his means of measuring his variables? Explain.
        • How might he overcome these challenges? Explain.
      • Where would you begin if given the assignment to produce a community policing plan?

    • Task 4
    • Officer Lightly has a colleague—Officer Brightly—who also has a background and experience with social science research. She joins the effort to develop a plan to involve citizens in protecting their own communities. She believes, however, that beginning the study by focusing on what motivates citizens to participate actively in providing for their own safe community is the wrong place to start. Officer Brightly proposes another direction; she is interested in examining what prevents or de-motivates people from taking action so clearly in their own best interest. She believes learning about these phenomena will aid the team in overcoming challenges through designing a comprehensive and thoughtful plan. Officer Brightly has a few guesses about the “why” here, but wants to examine the reality—systematically, thoroughly, and accurately.Assignment Guidelines
      • Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words:
        • Develop two (2) research questions drawn from the above scenario.
        • For each research question, develop two (2) hypotheses.
          • Operationalize completely each variable for each hypothesis.
          • Name and fully describe what types of data or observations will be collected and how they will be handled.
          • Describe the specific methods employed for collecting and processing all of the various sets of data.
        • Now you will take the role of another officer with Social Research experience. You are assigned to the team and told to look at the work the other two officers have accomplished so far. In a memorandum to the team chief, consider Officers Lightly’s and Brightly’s research questions and hypotheses.
          • How will Brightly and Lightly’s studies complement (or conflict with) each other as currently constructed? Explain.
          • What gaps and seams exist in their research even after their methods and data are pooled? Explain.
          • What recommendations can you offer to the team chief that explain and support the methods you would add to their approaches? Explain.
          • What could you do to create a more comprehensive and coherent study? Explain.
          • What tactics and tools would you use to gather the data and observations? Why?
      • Compile your research questions, hypotheses, and responses into your final paper.
      • All sources must be referenced using APA style.