Question Description
In your responses, critique the examples your classmates have selected and add your ideas for the product or brand.
Here is the question being asked ..
Have you ever liked a company or product on Facebook? Participated in a companys blog or posted pictures on their website? Do you and your friends have the next great commercial for Doritos? The snack food firm has turned user generated content into an advertising phenomenon. Their customer created ads are frequently among the most popular during the Super Bowl, and in many cases, have gone viral. User generated content is exactly what it sounds like, content such as blogs, videos, pictures, and tweets (among many other types) that are created and shared by ordinary customers.
Check out this ad that turned into an entire storyline for the firm that developed it and now has not only millions of views, but a following that waits for the next episode as if it were a TV series. Thousands have posted their comments, photos and shared the ad with other potential customers the original in the series has hundreds of thousands likes. Not bad for stuff in a can
OK, your turn. Conduct a web search for examples of firms that have successfully employed user generated content; there are lots of great ones to choose from. If they can do it, so can you! How would you employ user generated content to promote, brand, and sell the product you are using in your marketing plan? Is mommy blogging for you? Photo contests? How will you create the buzz you need to launch your product? Describe your user generated content plan and why you selected one type of content over another. How will you get your customers to participate? Whats in it for them? Be specific and share at least one example of a firm that has used a similar strategy.
Here are the responses that need to be critiqued and responded too.
User Generated Content For Marketing
User-generated content in marketing a product is a very powerful tool because it shows potential customers the critical needs that they have and the solution that the product brings in addressing their needs. I will select two customers one female and one male who fall into different ethnic groups. Each person will express their need for activities to keep their minds active and energized in their senior years, and how they use the Baby Boomer app as a resource to easily get connected to companies that offer services in their local community. They will explain that the app saves them time from having to do research to find the companies and calling to make an appointment which can be done in the app once they find activities that they like, by simply tapping on a few buttons. But it does not end there. The app will send them notifications and reminders of the appointment, give them driving or walking instructions to get to the activity once they start on their journey to go to the activity. The ad will show the entire experience from searching for a new activity, selecting the activity, and arriving and participating in the activity, meeting new friends and the app will also arrange to pay the company by billing the users credit card. And finally, the two users will explain how they also got discount prices on the services for trying new activities or repeating the activities by using the app.
I would use this marketing content on YouTube, TV commercial, and other forms of online advertising that allow video-audio content. I will not use print media and radio advertising because my target audience is using the internet regularly and social media. This method of advertising will also allow my target audience to share the app and its benefits with their friends as well as their daily or weekly activities purchased through the app. Angies List is a company that uses a similar approach to show potential customers how they can use its app to connect to companies providing home repair and other services that homeowners need.
I have been known to like several companies and different products from off Facebook. I have also participated in a companys blog & posted pictures on their site. The site that I participated in was for a hair salon in which I modeled my hair style on the companys page which also received several likes. Although myself along with my friends are all smart, intelligent and funny. Were all lacking acting skills/abilities. My friends and I do not have the next Doritos commercial. I think that its a good idea that Doritos promote their ads during the time of the Superbowl because thats what helps boost their sales around that time of year. Everyone looks for fun snacks thats simple, that taste good and easy to entertain their guest with.
I would employ my user generated content for the Mobile Market by using ICM that would draw the customers in. I would use E marketing and social media advertising such as Facebook and IG. Which will help target a variety of customers ranging from different age groups and different back grounds. The good thing about social media is that if people are pleased with my business they can share my page or website with others. They could also leave comments so that others could see how good the mobile market actual is.
I would also target my customers based on the areas my mobile market will be staged using direct marketing. I would mail out coupons to draw them in to my business. Television advertising for all the stay at home individuals is another way I will make my business known to the community. Finally, I would Personally sale my business no matter where I go. I will do my absolute best the wheel the customers in. Theres nothing like reaching out and connecting with your potential customer. Sometimes thats what customers look for someone whos willing to communicate effectively with them to find and go that extra mile to find out exactly what they expect and want out of their shopping experience. My goal by using these types of advertisement is to be able to promote, brand, and sell my items. By targeting the working and non-working adults, the retired individuals and the college students. With the help of them along with daily advertisement the business would be a success.