Question Description
LENGTH: At minimum of 12 single spaced pages, not counting space used up by your name, cover page, direct quotes, excessive spacing between information, etc.
Material for the project MUST come from 4 or more YouTubeVideos based on an assigned country and reflecting selected aspects of criminal justice in a country or countries and relate them to the American Criminal Justice. Justice system The project will be described in class, and a detailed description will be made accessible on the course website and on Blackboard. Material for the project MUST come from 4 or more YouTubeVideos or other web based video sources that must be summarized by the student. Videos must relate to material from lectures and posted documents. You must specify or identify the information that came from the above sources and how the information from the videos relates to such sources. Each video must involve a different issue or topic. You must also find and discuss additional and related information from government websites, major news media outlets, and similar sources. At least two such outside references are required for each video and the reference sources must be clearly identified by http, document/page name or title, the owner of the website and when the material was accessed. The last portion of the project is a 200 word or longer essay describing or discussing the differences between the foreign country and the United States as it relates to the content of the video. All information must be preceded by headings as in the example below:
IN SUM: Four videos require a total of 8 outside sources with material related to your assigned country with 4 of the 8 references related to material posted on Blackboard or discussed in class. The connection must be clearly described.
The last part of the project is a list of all references information, for videos, on line articles, class documents or powerpoints, lecture notes, etc. The page of references does not count towards the page requirement.
You must summarize the entire video and then relate information from all of your videos to information discussed in class and part of various documents or websites identified in class or accessible from the class webpage. That does not mean a simply one sentence reference, but a discussion of what you learned from the video and applying it/comparing it to any written information accessible elsewhere as discussed in class. You must also make some overall comparison between what you saw in the video and conditions or situations in the United States. This does not have to be specific on one video, but your overall comparison in any area or subject between your assigned country and the US.
The project must be at least twelve single spaced pages in length, without fillers, direct or slightly modified copying from written material. Any information deemed superflous or unacceptable by the instructor will not count towards the minimum page requirement.
Basic country information does not count towards the 12 page minimum, but must be included as in the example shown in class.
You MUST reference information sources within your essay as in a term paper. Direct quotes must be identified APA style. No more than 10% of the pages are countable for your essays and may consist of identified direct quotes but are not counted towards the 12 page minimum. Reusing a sentence from a published source and simply changing or leaving out a few words is NOT acceptable. Only writing clearly identifiable as your own will be counted towards the page minimum.
If you are unable to write enough pages with four videos, simply view additional videos. Be sure to discuss how you feel about what you saw in the video, what you thought about the event or agency involved, and also mention when about the video was shot.
You must give your project some structure as in the example below. LIST the numbered headings exactly as they are shown below:
- Location of country on International Corruption Index
- ALL COUNTRIES ADJACENT TO YOUR ASSIGNED COUNTRY. (If an island, closest other countries)
All of the above six categories must be listed and completed.
ABOVE INFORMATION DOES NOT COUNTAS PART OF THE 12 REQUIRED PAGES and each questions must be listed as above. Do NOT simply give the number of the question. 5 points will be deducted for not following the above format as explained in class.Absence from class is not an excuse.
VIDEO 1(Or BBC Broadcast)- Related to ..?? List class lecture information or any document/powerpoint posted on Blackboard and write HOW it relates or why.
Title of Video/Broadcast: __________
Location of video: ____________________
- Name or website or organization posting video (list http address)
- Direct http link to video (if available). For some videos you first have to access the website in general and then click to watch it.
- Length of video
- When video was taken (or about) if info is available
Type video: _______________(public information from govt agency, amateur video shot of an event, recruiting video of police agency, news report of prison conditions, news report of victimization, government corruption, etc.) There are many more categories and these are just examples. (BBC is another type that can be listed)
Summary of Video or broadcast: _______________
Fully describe the scene, i.e. what you actually see in the video. The description could include various people you see, buildings, roads, government officials, physical conditions, and actions or activities.
Continue as shown for VIDEO 1
TO ENHANCE YOUR PR0JECT, YOU CAN INCLUDE GOOGLE SATELLITE CLOSEUPS OR STREETVIEW IMAGES SHOWING ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH POLICE, COURTS, BORDER CHECKPOINTS, ETC. Such images are considered in the overall evaluation of the project grade if you also describe them and provide your personal insights. Each image can take up to one fourth of a project page but you may not use more than two images for each country and each image must show a different location/scene. Additional images may, however, be included to simply round out your project but without considering them as part of the 12 required pages.
You MUST save your paper as one document with the following document name:
Your last and first name, CRIM 109 0930, country assigned
Example: Schweizer harald Otto CRIM 109 0930 Project on Djibouti
The project has to be saved as a WORD or PDF document.
There is ample information you can access and which should round out your country based project.
Below are some suitable links. Corruption Perception Index Human Development Index International Privacy Rankings Population statistics rankings on Freedom… Rankings on various criteria (you can select a criterion not reflected in other indices.… Human Development Index
Topics or themes related to criminal justice
Use YouTube, any government websites or news organizations with posted videos. You need to be creative and not simply type in a category from below. If you cannot find any videos or have no idea how to search for a video, you should not be in a class where internet use is essential.
Title of Persons responsible for:
(examples: commissioner of police; minister of police, minister of public safety, interior minister, minister of justice, etc.)
- Human trafficking
- Drug trafficking
- Slave labor
- Organized Crime
- Terrorism
- Corruption
- Smuggling of endangered species
- Currency smuggling
- Money laundering
- Sex trafficking
- Weapons trafficking
- Organ trafficking
- Major Crime problems
- Cyber Crime
Banking related crimes
Hate crimes
Domestic violence
Crimes against women - Immigration/illegal immigration
- From where?
Laws and penalties regarding illegal immigrants
Extent of problem-response by government
Border security-wall? Fence?
Requirements to be legal resident as a foreigner
Citizenship requirements:
By birth?
By citizenship of parent/s
For legal residents-requirements to become citizens
- Alcohol laws
- Drug laws
- Drivers license requirements
- Currency
- Clothing and accessories
- Pharmaceuticals
Gun Laws
- Types of Police/jurisdiction
- Entry levels for police applicants
- Requirements to be a police officer
- Testing of police applicants
- Police misconduct/torture/abuse/bribery
- Police training
- Police force description
- Rank levels
- Pay/benefits
- Vehicles/weapons/uniforms and equipment
- Technology used by police
Role of Military in policing?
- Prison guards/correctional officers
Entry requirements/levels
Screening/testing applicants - Training type/length
- Pay and benefits
- Disturbances/problems
- Misconduct of prison guards
Juveniles mixed with adult prisoners - Badly maintained facilities
- Rehabilitation programs
- Incarceration rate
Types of penalties:
Confinement in years
Corporal punishment
Death penalty: methods
Types/levels of courts
Types of judges
Requirements to be a judge
Pay for judges
Court delays-backlogs
Appeals courts?
Rules for appealing sentences-levels of appeal courts?
Organizations to help victims
Laws on the rights of victims
Private security or investigative companies-
Types: Banks, armored transport, contract guards for govt buildings, etc.
School/college security
Descriptions-local, national, international?
Legal authority
Licensing requirements
Cooperation with police
The above topics or categories do not cover ALL possible areas related to criminal justice. You may find many more by simply searching information for your assigned country.
Your four videos must be on different issues but they can be within the same topic. Ex: You can use a video on police brutality and another on police hiring. You can use a video on prison conditions and another on the requirements to work in a prison.
Once you have your videos you can search for articles involving the same issues in your assigned country using GOOGLE. You can also use articles that deal with the issue on a global or regional basis. Example: If you find a video on elephant poaching in Chad, then you use articles on elephant poaching in AFRICA as a whole. OR you can find a video on elephant poaching in AFRICA but then use an article that specifically deals with the poaching in your assigned country.