Question Description

Position writing presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that a opinion is valid. Ideas need to be carefully examined in choosing a topic, developing the argument, and organizing the paper. It is very important to address all sides of the issue and present it in a manner that is easy for the audience to understand. Take one side of the argument. It is important to support the argument with evidence to ensure the validity of the claims, as well as to address the counterclaims.

Recommended length: 4-5 pages, double-spaced in 12pt font. APA Format.

The Position Essay: 15% (SLOs Chapter 2 a)

At this stage of the research essay, the synthesis essay has allowed students to become familiar with a variety of opinions on their topic of interest. Now, again, in preparation for the final essay, students are required to take a position on their topic. Throughout the research process, students might find their position shift. It is especially important to allow students to explore different positions, and to be encouraged that this is often evidence of maturity in their critical thinking process. As they read, new ideas may take hold, new questions arise; thus, new positions are formed. Ask them to be active readers and to observe what persuades them as a reader and why. Recommended Length: 4-5 pages. APA Format.

Purpose: To argue your position on an issue raised in at least two of the articles we have read, showing how your position relates to those authors.

Audience: An academic audience that includes the authors of the readings and other interested in the issue upon which you are focusing.

Questions for Consideration and Topic Exploration: Identify a key global challenge (linked to our course themes), given our continued reading and discussion, that you would like to explore and lead you toward your final research paper. After providing information on the challenge, you will then provide your stance on the issue and advocate for a means to overcome the global challenge. Please utilize the following theory, symbolic interactionism, to ground your paper (you may also incorporate critical or conflict theory, if applicable). As well, utilize a variety of sources beyond our course texts to help solidify your position on the global challenge. These should include scholarly journals (at least one), newspaper articles, international organizations websites (UN, OECD, World Bank, Grameen Bank, etc) as well as other materials related to the global challenge you have identified.


200 Level Grading Rubric: Written Communication v2018

200 Level Grading Rubric: Written Communication v2018

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting strategy appropriate to genrethreshold: 3.83 pts

5.0 ptsConsistently used correct writing strategies specific to genre

4.33 ptsMostly used correct writing strategies specific to genre

3.83 ptsUsed some correct writing strategies specific to genre

3.33 ptsMinimally used correct writing strategies specific to genre

0.0 ptsDid not use correct writing strategies specific to genre

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and thesis statementthreshold: 15.3 pts

20.0 ptsThoroughly engaging introduction, revealed a clear and substantive thesis

17.3 ptsEngaging introduction, revealed a clear thesis

15.3 ptsIntroduction revealed a thesis lacking in clarity

13.3 ptsIntroduction revealed a general topic but not a thesis

0.0 ptsLittle or no introductory material

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Area (added by Instructor)threshold: 11.48 pts

15.0 ptsExcellent

12.98 ptsAbove Average

11.48 ptsAverage

9.98 ptsBelow Average

0.0 ptsUnacceptable

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationthreshold: 11.48 pts

15.0 ptsStructure enhanced the argument, clearly organized paragraphs and seamless transitions

12.98 ptsMostly successful structure, paragraphs, and transitions

11.48 ptsOrganization is inconsistent or uneven

9.98 ptsOrganization is in the way of reading for content

0.0 ptsLack of coherent organization

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence / Supporting ideasthreshold: 11.48 pts

15.0 ptsConsistently developed strong arguments with academically valid evidence

12.98 ptsMostly developed strong arguments with academically valid evidence

11.48 ptsDeveloped some arguments with academically valid evidence

9.98 ptsMinimally developed arguments with academically valid evidence

0.0 ptsDid not develop arguments with academically valid evidence

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionthreshold: 3.83 pts

5.0 ptsThoroughly engaging conclusion, fully reviewed thesis and main ideas

4.33 ptsEngaging conclusion, reviewed thesis and main ideas

3.83 ptsConclusion reviewed some main ideas

3.33 ptsConclusion minimally reviewed main ideas

0.0 ptsLittle or no conclusive material

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, spelling, and writing stylethreshold: 11.48 pts

15.0 ptsConsistently used correct grammar, spelling, and writing style. Virtually no errors

12.98 ptsMostly used correct grammar, spelling, and writing style. Some minor errors

11.48 ptsFrequent minor errors of grammar, spelling, or writing style

9.98 ptsSerious errors of grammar, spelling, or writing style

0.0 ptsGrammar or spelling errors get in the way of reading for content

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLayout and documentation (APA, Chicago, etc.)threshold: 7.65 pts

10.0 ptsConsistently used correct layout and documentation. Virtually no errors

8.65 ptsMostly used correct layout and documentation. Some minor errors

7.65 ptsFrequent minor errors of layout or documentation

6.65 ptsSerious errors of layout or documentation

0.0 ptsLittle or no documentation

10.0 pts