Question Description
Please respond to at least 2 of your peers posts. To ensure that your responses are substantive, use at least three of these prompts:
Comment on your peers selection of peer-reviewed article.
Discuss how the key concepts presented by your peers can be applied to your work environment. (I work in an Emergency Room)
Present new references that support your opinions.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. Estimated time to complete: 2 hours
First Peer to Respond to-
Tiara Burt
RE: Theory and Education Tiara Burt
Top of Form
Nursing Theory and Education
In order for nursing to advance there has to integration of theory, practice and research. Orems Self Care Nursing Theory is set up of three conceptual frameworks; self-care, self-care deficit, and nursing systems. (Dumas, 1993) Orems theory offers guidance to the clinical staff in the acute care settings. We utilize this theory in nursing to formulate diagnosis, care planning, and interventions, goals and outcomes. This theory is a model to offer structure for critical thinking in clinical nursing. Having such a theory in place allows for education due to teaching the patients and family members how to take care of themselves or their loved ones. It helps to decrease the rates of self-care deficits. The patients and family are able to retain the knowledge that we as nurses are able to teach to them because of this theory and research. This article explains that clients healing is influenced by the family members. An holistic vision of the family should be assessed to determine the actual ongoing process of healing when they go home.
Nursing Curriculum
Nursing curricula now is based off of the Tyler Curriculum Development model established in 1949. This model has become the primary model used in nursing curricula. (McEwen & Wills, 2014) This model helps future nurses that are obtaining their degree to better understand the importance of education and its impact to nursing. It helps nurses to know what to apply to the nursing practice and why.
Personal Experiences
I feel that this theory will help nurses be better educators for their patients. For instance I had a patient who was recently diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus and was hospitalized because of it. Once coming to the rehab center , in order to appropriately discharge him back home we had to assess his self-care thoroughly. We had to watch him perform glucose sticks and read the blood sugar value and dose his insulin accordingly. Due to him having slight cognitive deficits I had to make sure family was involved and analyzed to promote a continuum of care. Education about Diabetes had to be taught to not only the patient but the family as well. Orems theory ensures that patients are self-care needs will bet met even when the patient is no longer in our care.
McEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing (4th Ed.); Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Dumas, L. (1993, Nov). Orem’s Family Evaluation. Retrieved from Pub Med:
Second Peer to respond to
Niurka Montenegro
RE: Theory and Education
Top of Form
The subject of inclusion of nursing theories in nurse education remains one of the most vital issues that continue to be championed in the nursing community (McEwen &Willis, 2014). Primarily, nurse educators face the challenge to include nursing theories in all curricula levels. For instance, Dyess, Boykin & Connie (2010) presents an article that explores the integration of a nursing theory with practice and education. The nursing model that has been utilized is the caring theory. According to the authors, theory based nursing has the ability to positively impact the outcomes in healthcare set up. The Watson caring theory perpetuates the art of loving kindness and the authentic presence of nurses in the life of a patient. It also affirms the spiritual role of religion in patients well being. Dyes, Boykin & Connie (2010) uses the theory to develop a project that highlights the impact of an education unit that has been beached in the caring theory.
Evidently, nursing theory benefits in nursing education. First, it provides the principles that act as a framework guiding the practice of nurses. For instance, in my professional experience, the Watson caring theory influences my patient care. I am open to the diverse spiritual orientations. I understand if an employee prefers not to shave before being fitted for a respirator due to religious beliefs, while still recognizing the importance of being protected against airborn exposures. Secondly, it helps in the generation of further nursing knowledge. Moreover, it assists the nurses to comprehend their purpose and role in healthcare facility.
Consequently, there are key considerations that nurse educators must consider in the curricula development. Firstly, there is the curricula design. Nurse educators must ensure that the design integrates the nursing theories into practice. In essence, it must provide framework for theory and practical teachings as well. It must give room for gaps that emanate in the process of practice. Further, the curricula must be comprehensive, specific, and customized to level of learning and able to transit the theoretical issues into practice. Finally, nursing educators must adhere to the stipulation by the regulatory bodies in the curriculum development. For instance, the curriculum for the students must be made according to the course content defined by NCSBN or other regulatory agency. The integration of nursing theory in nurse education is therefore fundamental.
Dyess, Susan & Boykin, Anne & Rigg, Connie. (2010). Integrating caring theory with nursing practice and education: Connecting with what matters. The Journal of nursing administration 40. 498-503. DOI 10.1097/NNA.0b013e3181f88b96.
McEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical Basis for Nursing (4th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Ovid: Integrating Caring Theory With Nursing Practice and Education: Connecting With What Matters..pdf (297.494 KB)