Question Description




“Employment Law” Please respond to the following:

  • Using the first e-Activity, choose two (2) employment laws, and examine the impact of each law on human resources management (HRM). Support your response with specific examples of each selected law’s impact on HRM.
  • Using the second e-Activity, illustrate one (1) specific example of any statute (e.g., Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, American with Disabilities Act [ADA], the Family Medical Leave Act [FMLA], or other statutes) that prohibits an organization from exercising its employment-at-will rights. Specify the rights that an employee could most successfully exercise against an organization for violating the selected statute.


  • Go to the United States Department of Labor’s Website to review the “Summary of the Major Laws of the Department of Labor”, located at Be prepared to discuss.
  • Use the Internet to research whether or not your state abides by the employment-at-will doctrine (e.g., public policy, implied contract and / or good faith). Be prepared to discuss.


“Employment Relationship and Discrimination” Please respond to the following:

  • Contrast the primary differences between independent contractors, temporary employees and volunteers. Then, examine two (2) way2 in which each role differs from that of an employee. Justify your response.
  • From the e-Activity, select two (2) employment discrimination laws, and then provide two (2) disparate treatment case using the same discrimination law. Review only the facts of the case, the legal issues relating to the disparate treatment, and the court’s decision. Next, outline the steps the employer could have taken initially to prevent the discrimination in question. Justify your response.


  • Go to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Website to review discrimination types, located at Be prepared to discuss.


“Employment Practices” Please respond to the following:

  • Using the first e-Activity, provide an example of two (2) of the following techniques or methods that you or someone that you know has endured or witnessed: unfair recruitment, employment application, and interview process. Investigate the extent to which the chosen technique or method left room for prohibited employment practices. Next, recommend key corrective actions that an organization could take in order to mitigate prohibited employment practices.
  • Using the second e-Activity, select two (2) employment opportunities with which you are currently familiar, and classify two (2) types of background checks that would be acceptable. Justify your response.


  • Go to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and review the section titled, “Prohibited Employment Policies / Practices”, located at Be prepared to discuss.
  • Go to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Website, and read the article titled “Facts Sheet 16: Employment Background Checks: A Job Seeker’s Guide”, located at Next, review the document titled “State Laws and Their Impact on Use of Criminal Records for Employment”, located in the online course shell. Be prepared to discuss.




“Safety vs Ethical Decisions”

  • When a restaurant employee slipped on spilled soup and fell, requiring the evening off to recover, the owner realized that workplace safety was an issue to which she had not devoted much time. A friend warned the owner that if she started creating a lot of safety rules and procedures, she would lose her focus on customers and might jeopardize the future of the restaurant. The safety problem is beginning to feel like an ethical dilemma. Suggest some ways the restaurant owner might address this dilemma. What aspects of human resource management are involved?
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers make reasonable accommodations for individuals who have disabilities. How might this requirement affect teachers, law enforcement officers, and firefighters? How is it legal for law enforcement to turn applicants away for diseases like type 2 diabetes?
  • Consider a job you hold now or have held recently. Would you want this job to be redesigned to place more emphasis on efficiency, motivation, ergonomics, or mental processing? What changes would you want, and why? (Or why do you not want the job to be redesigned?)
  • Identify a change that you have personally experienced. Consider how the stages of the Prochaska and DiClemente model are applicable to the change?

1) From the Society of Human Resources Management: SHRM Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management

2) Here is a great document on Ethics in Human Resource Management from SHRM as well,


“The Americans with Disabilities Act”


“Redesigning your Job”




“Individual and Organizational Learning” Please respond to the following:

  • Determine the salient impact of an organization transitioning individual learning into organizational learning. Next, argue whether a behavioral approach or a cognitive approach would be more effective in the transition in question. Justify your response.
  • Choose two (2) mystifications (i.e., multiple parochial disciplines, treating organizations like people, visionaries and skeptics, chic and mystique, and active mystification). Then, examine the extent to which the two (2) chosen mystifications exist in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Justify your response with at least two (2) specific examples of the selected mystifications.

Organizational Learning

Two changes as examples for our discussion are interventions are to provide supervisor training and develop a communications plan to communicate and monitor changes, benefits, events, community events, and to eliminate negative feedback. Utilization of newly acquired skills is influential in breaking cultural norms for managers (Gilpin-Jackson & Bushe, 2007). Social support or praise and encouragement are the expectations of training.


Gilpin-Jackson, Y., & Bushe, G. R. (2007). Leadership Development Training Transfer: A Case

Study of Post-training Determinants. Journal of Management Development, 26(10), 980-1004. doi:10.1108/02621710710833423.


Organizational Learning Mechanisms (OLMs) and Organizational Culture” Please respond to the following:

  • In your own words, contrast the core differences between off-line and online Organizational Learning Mechanisms (OLMs). Then, create a scenario in which one (1) of the following types of OLMs would be an effective structure: off-line/internal OLMs, online/internal OLMs, off-line/external OLMs and online/external OLMs. Justify your reasoning for selecting the OLM for the scenario.
  • Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research the impact of organizational culture on a productive learning environment. Next, examine the extent to which organizational culture can impact productive learning within an organization. Next, select two (2) cultural norms (i.e., inquiry, issue orientation, transparency, integrity, and accountability) that you believe generate knowledge and lead people to act on this knowledge within your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Justify your selection.

Does culture influence organizational learning?

The question that often comes up around the table is what effect, if any does corporate culture have on organizational learning? According to Eisenberg, Ignatjeva, Iliško, and Rauckiene-Michaelsson (2018), there is a strong coorelation between organizational culture and organizational learning has a direct coorelation. The position of Eisenberg, et al. (2018), is to create an Organizational Learning Culture that motivates the employees to learn and improve so that the organization can survive. The very survival of the organization is contingent on its ability to learn properly and quickly and to be able to adapt (Eisenberg, Ignatjeva, Iliško, & Rauckiene-Michaelsson, 2018.


Eisenberg, A., Ignatjeva, S., Iliško, D., & Rauckiene-Michaelsson, A. (2018). Adaptation of the

Organizational Learning Culture (OLC) Dimension Methodology in the Israeli Local Authorities Context. Discourse & Communication for Senberg et. al (2018) ustainable Education, 9(1), 50. Retrieved from…


“Psychological Threat and Safety” Please respond to the following:

  • Using one (1) image risk (i.e., ignorant, incompetent, negative, and disruptive), assess the potential effects of one (1) psychological threat that a person may witness in his or her learning process for either academic courses or career progression (e.g., certifications, training, professional conferences). Suggest two (2) ways to overcome the identified risk in order for the person to experience psychological safety. Justify your response.
  • Outline a five (5) step psychological safety plan that enhances emotional commitment for your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. In your outline, provide practical examples of the manner in which the steps in your plan address psychological safety.




  • Identify a change that you have personally experienced. Consider how the stages of the Prochaska and DiClemente model are applicable to the change?