Question Description


Development of U.S. Health Care in Hospitals Based on the Foundation of U.S. Law” Please respond to the following:

  • * From the scenario, relate the basic steps in the development of U.S. health law, leading up to the present, to you or an employer’s need for health insurance coverage in light of the provisions that the Affordable Health Care Act sets forth. Rationalize the fundamental way in which these laws play a pivotal part in understanding the roles that today’s health care administrators play.
  • Analyze the transition of health care from the 18th Century leading up to the 21st Century. Evaluate the degree and quality of care established within 18th Century U.S. hospitals, as compared to the level of care seen in today’s hospitals. Examine the primary roles of progressive health care law in shaping the current modern environments.


Hello Class,

From the scenario, Relate the basic steps in the development of U.S. health law, leading up to the present, to you or an employer’s need for health insurance coverage in light of the provisions that the Affordable Health Care Act sets forth.

The United States health law carriers a variety of codes of conduct that should be observed by all stakeholders in the healthcare sector including medical insurance companies and medical professionals. Major developments in the health insurance cover can be traced from the 1930’s, a period when the insurance firms never covered healthcare services. Fortunately, in the twenty first century, employees receive health care insurance covers from their fulltime employers. According to my experience in the healthcare insurance industry, the employees’ coverage services gets better each year.

Rationalize the fundamental way in which these laws play a pivotal part in understanding the roles that today’s health care administrators play.
The ACA plays an essential role of helping reduce spending on healthcare, which many healthcare centers have witnessed for the last few decades. Besides, the ACA enables patients undergoing regular consultations or surgeries to access servers from outpatient centers instead of instead of being limited to seeking treatment in major hospitals (Chen, Vargas-Bustamante, Mortensen & Ortega, 2016).
Analyze the transition of health care from the 18th Century leading up to the 21st Century.
In the eighteenth century, doctors applied ancient theories of “humors” bodily “tension”, among other makeshift doctrines. For instance, doctors alleged that particular bloodsuckers would treat some illnesses (Lui & Barkley, 2015). The physicians also failed to observe some basic hygiene procedures such as washing hands or disinfecting surgical equipment. For that reason, the medical practices did more harm than good to the patients.
Evaluate the degree and quality of care established within 18th Century U.S. hospitals, as compared to the level of care seen in today’s hospitals.
Hospitals in the eighteenth century operate in abject poverty, and there were many cases of misconduct, medical errors, infections, and death. A large percentage of the people who visited a hospital never received significant assistance and most died due to lack of clarity in their illness (Namboodiri, 2013). On the other hand, in the 21st century, medicine builds cutting-edge facilities as well as make good use of medical tools and equipment to carry out less evasive surgeries. Hospitals in the 21st century have a high success rate in offering treatments, there are fewer cases of malpractice, and most medical conditions are treatable.
Examine the primary roles of progressive health care law in shaping the current modern environments.

Healthcare laws in the twenty-first century are a big advancement compared to those present in the eighteenth century. Even though malpractice may still be witnessed in rare cases, more favorable insurance policies and accessibility of better healthcare have considerably improved healthcare delivery in the entire system. Advanced medical equipment, methods of healthcare payment, and development in medical knowledge have fostered more reliable and sustainable healthcare (Manolitzas, 2016). These policies have made progressive healthcare a norm and a social expectation.


From the scenario, relate the basic steps in the development of U.S. health law, leading up to the present, to you or an employer’s need for health insurance coverage in light of the provisions that the Affordable Health Care Act sets forth. Rationalize the fundamental way in which these laws play a pivotal part in understanding the roles that today’s health care administrators play.

From Week 1 scenario it relates how the development of public law and common law has influence U.S. health law. Some U.S. health law establishes over the last century is Medicare in 1945. Medicaid in 1965, the Child Health Insurance Program in 2009 and the Affordable Care Act (AAC) in 2010. These laws establish health care coverages for millions of individuals who would not be eligible without the existing laws. For example, under the AAC there is a provision that young-adult can stay on their parent’s insurance coverage until age 26. This provision along help one and three million people to be eligible for health care coverage. For health care administrators’ laws help guide the operation of the organizations. From Medicare readmission guidelines to release of medical records to an outside source.

Glied, S., & Jackson, A. (2017). The Future of the Affordable Care Act and Insurance Coverage. American Journal of Public Health, 107(4), 538.

Analyze the transition of health care from the 18th Century leading up to the 21st Century. Evaluate the degree and quality of care established within 18th Century U.S. hospitals, as compared to the level of care seen in today’s hospitals. Examine the primary roles of progressive health care law in shaping the current modern environments.

The transition of health care from the 18th century leading up to the 21st century. For the 18th and 19th centuries, healthcare was developed as a service to help the sick. The churches started many of the hospitals. In the 20th and 21st century healthcare has become a billion-dollar industry. Healthcare organizations including hospitals are owned by large private corporation. Along with the corporation making a profit the health insurance companies are also making a profit. With the advancement of technology, from electronic medical records to robotic surgery the quality of care has tremendously improve for the patient. With technology advancement healthcare organizations also will need more health care laws for protection.