Question Description

Imagine that you taught the lesson plan attached. Discuss the success and challenges that can occur.

Summarize and reflect upon the lesson in 250-500 words. Identify the areas that went well as well as areas to improve upon. In addition, reflect on how this experience will affect your future professional practice.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Name:

Teaching Candidate

Grade Level:

Grade 9



Algebra I

Instructional Plan Title:

Using Tangrams to find Patterns

Lesson Summary and Focus:

The lesson will focus on the creation of patterns by learners using tangram pieces within a lid of a shoebox. Once they have created the pieces and placed them in the lid, learners will count the number of shapes that are there. For instance, if they have used the triangle as the chosen shapes, they will count the number of triangles that are there in the shoebox lid. (I would have assigned each group a part of the class. Within the groups students would count the number of shapes that they see and name them for that side of the class).

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

Seating & Classroom Layout

Learners will seat in groups when making their patterns. Therefore, the class layout should allow grouping of seats in 5s.

Learners with eyesight problem should be seated close to the front of the class. (I would not change anything).


The learner should be grouped based on their language abilities. Proficient learners will, therefore, be grouped with those without proficiency in English.

National/State Learning Standards:

Practice: make sense of the mathematics problem reasoning abstractly and construct viable arguments.

Literacy skills:Use multiple reading strategies. Use correct mathematical vocabulary and discuss mathematical ideas.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

Students will be required to:

  • create a pattern by using tangrams inside a shoebox lid.
  • count the number of shapes created using tangrams in a shoebox lid.

Academic Language





To teach these vocabularies, I will use labels with names for learners to pin on the right shape.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

-Reading text: Sir Cumfrance Series by Wayne Geechan

-Enough pictures of shapes

-One big image with various shapes to be hung on the wall

-Labels having names of forms


-Multiple shapes cut out from cardboard

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set

I will first use the picture with shapes to draw learners’ attention and ask them what they can see on the image. (They will respond by stating the different shapes that they can understand.)

I will use the book Sir Cumfrance Series by Wayne Geechan to increase the learners’ interest in learning about shapes by reading through.

I will then proceed to read the text as they listen


Multiple Means of Representation

I will use the text to read about shapes so that learners can understand different shapes, how they look like and how they are formed.

I will then use the pictures of shapes to help learners who are not proficient in English to see the shapes and the labels to help them identify the various shape by names.

I will then use the cardboard to cut different shapes

The writing board will be used to write the characteristics of various shapes.

Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:

  • English language learners (ELL):

ELL students will have pictures with big labels of the names of the shapes

  • Students with special needs:

Learners with special needs can use Braille

  • Students with gifted abilities:

Students with talented skills will be allowed to use electronic materials

  • Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):

Early finishers will use various selected reading materials and picture books to identify more shapes and their characteristics.


Multiple Means of Engagement

  • I will require learners to sit in groups and evaluate two various shapes
  • I will use the cardboard-cut-out forms to let learners pick a shape of their choice and talk about it and any items in the surrounding that look like it.
  • Learners will identify the shapes on a picture and pin labels of their names on the pictures.

Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:

  • English language learners (ELL):

English language learners will do practical activities such as identifying shapes in the pictures and giving them names. (reading and listening activities)

  • Students with special needs:

Special needs learners will be required to identify various characteristics of shape in their pictures. (Activities that require less or no movement)

  • Students with gifted abilities:

They will be required to identify the characteristics of various shapes (activities that require serious evaluation)

  • Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):

Will be required to identify more shapes and their characteristics,


Multiple Means of Expression

Students will be required to fill a matrix with shapes, where they will mention the characteristics of the forms.

  • English language learners (ELL):

For these learners, the assessment will involve reading written characteristics of two different shapes and paring each shape with the features mentioned in the table.

  • Students with special needs:

Students with special needs will be given pictures of shapes, and they will be asked to stick them in the right column that has the correct features of the form.

  • Students with gifted abilities:

Students with talented skills will be allowed to choose any two shapes and write aabout their features.

  • Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional resources/support):

These learners also will be allowed to choose any two shapes and write their characteristics


Extension Activity and Homework

Learners will be asked to go home with drawings of two shapes. They will then write the characteristics of the shapes. This will be appropriate because it will help them understand different shapes.




  • Reading for Meaning: encourages in-depth understanding and encounter with various vocabulary. This is important in increasing learners’ understanding and vocabulary knowledge.
  • Think –Pair – Share: this encourages critical evaluation. It also promotes corporation and helpfulness. It will benefit learners because as they share, they can learn more from others.
  • Reading- writing – drawing: this is a teaching strategy where my learners will listen to the name of the insect I read, they will then write it and draw it, this method encourages memory, and it will be helpful for them to internalize content.