Question Description
- Your team will prepare a month-to-month cash flow projection for the first two years of operations.
- Your team will also prepare a preliminary exit plan for your business
Here is the Business Plan:
Company Description
Our company presents our new environmental solution called Leaf Water, which is an innovative solution that will replace the original idea of plastic water bottles into a biodegradable solution method using palm leaves or bamboo sheets. Leaf Water Inc. is a corporation that will lead the industry of Water Bottles in the near future through our innovation. Leaf Water bottles not only gives the consumers fresh water, but it also gives an environmental solution due to the plastic waste which takes years to decompose. It takes 1 water bottle 450 to 1,000 years to decompose therefore creating a global environmental issue. The company has decided to come up with new packaging solutions that are innovative and they are among the key trends in the industry.Our concerns as a company caters towards the environment by creating an eco-friendly packaging process of water bottles.Our innovation will play a major role by ensuring that the product will be totally different from the competitors.The company is taking the responsibility of ensuring that as manufacturers they are introducing environment-friendly packaging items (Hollow, the company is concerned with keeping the surrounding the living environments clean by reducing the use of plastic bottles ay, 2016).
Industry Analysis
The industry has provided a research report that covers the key competitors in the water market. The organization has identified PepsiCo and Danone to be among the competitors in the industry. The Coca-Cola Company and the Nestle are among the key vendors who have posted a global competition to the water industry. Therefore, the company decided to come up with a well detailed and comprehensive analysis that will cover all the types of water products on the market. For instance, bottled spring water and sparkling water are among the products that are in the markets. The analysis of this industry is also based on the geographical area of the company. The company has decided to come up with new packaging solutions that are innovative and they are among the key trends in the industry. The use of the canned water will gain attraction from the consumers and it is likely to become the major product in the modern market (Podolny et al., 2017).
The company has considered various factors some of which are meant to improve the shelf appeal by increasing the duration of which the water is going to stay on the can. The innovation will also play a major role by ensuring that the product will be totally different from the competitors. The action is also meant to give the company a competitive advantage over the competitors since the customers will be able to distinguish the type of product they need in the market. The company is also concerned with the need to reduce and dispose of the use of plastic bottles. Therefore. The company is also in a position of increasing the awareness about the impact of plastic bottles on the living environment.
The action of the company will impact a positive influence on the number of sales that will be made on the bottled water. The step is also likely to improve the revenue shares of all the participants that are found on the bottled water market. The bottled water market is a big industry which contains both big and small vendors. The vendors compete according to the type of services and products they over to the market.According to the water bottled market analysis, the key competitors that deal with the canned water market normally compete on the basis of certain factors. For instance, the key player may compete on the basis of a new product launch on the industry. The company that launches new and quality product in the market is likely to gain more customers. The new products increase and enhance the quality of the services provided by the company (Podolny et al., 2017).
The price of the product is also another product that needs to be taken into consideration in any market competition. The companies that offer their product at higher prices without a better reputation are likely to lose more customers in the market. The bottled water providers are focusing on providing a wide variety of products to the market for the customers. They are also tasked with making sure that the products meet the standards and the needs of the customers so that their products can fit in the market. The organization will also ensure that all the new products on the market fit the wellness trends and the health standard so the products can be consumed without any complication. The company has the task of ensuring the products that have been introduced to the market to contain certain benefits such as zero preservatives.
Management Plan
The Leaf Water Company strives to add value to its employees heightened productivity with a powerful management system. Currently, the management approach is composed solemnly of its five shareholders. The founders work directly and actively with vendors, suppliers and contractors. From managing production employees, finances, inventory, marketing and sale to everyday operations.Our Management team/board members have a significant education and experienced background in multiple fields such as finance, marketing, chemical-civil & environmental engineering, and commercial logistics. As of now, all management personnel consist of the starting several proprietors but the company is planning on expanding and adding a number of jobs once the business traffic flow of orders increase. Such specialty jobs will include but not be limited to:
Supervision at the worksite.
Quality assurance.
Scheduling deliveries and contractors.
Verification of project plans completed on time; project management.
Accounting and book keeping; office managers.
Public relations and marketing.
Labor relations.
Leaf Water Company is diversified with a heavy set of skills, decades of experience in several paramount fields and organized for immediate mass production. The intention is simply not to be of a typical ranking corporate system but a company that values quality products and community in respect to our goals of saving the environment with one biodegradable leaf water bottle at a time. Leaf Water Company is diversified with skills, experience in several paramount fields.
Market Analysis
Our target market reaches everyone including the natural habitat of this earth, as well as the natural environment.From Parents, to health enthusiast, to environmental society. We provide a healthy alternative to regular bottles that attracts most people.Water is necessity for everyone and anyone.It includes all populations.Our customer base is Global once we establish our presence as a company globally.We have manufacturers in the water bottle industry who will be the bulk of our customers such Evian, Poland Spring, and Dasani to name a few.Through our Company website, and registering with Google, scheduling meetings with other manufacturing companies, social media, and advertising, we will build our customer base and establish our presence in the market.People are always looking to be healthier and water is the most popular beverage this is the best combination. Were adding something to the market changing the perspective of a water bottle and water drinking.Here at Leaf Water, we are filling the gap that this market has.As we have customers that will not steer away from their usual vendor easily, especially if theyve been doing business with them for some time, we understand we wont reach the entire water bottle market, but we plan to achieve on having at least 50% of the customers business. Most healthy people are always looking for ways to be healthier and most people are always up to trying new things. Keeping the customers isnt our worry, grabbing the customers attention is the mission. Our market share will grow by upholding a good relationships with our customers as well with our innovative bottles.
Marketing and Sales Plan
Leaf Water will fill the gap in the market. The company is focusing to grow and develop both locally and internationally. Therefore, the organization is required to build a good reputation so that its products can be sold in large numbers. The development and growth of the company mainly depend on the customers and the kind of reviews the customers give about the product. The company needs to consider certain factors such as improving the conscience matters related to the health of the customers. The products that are provided by the company need to be in well and good condition so that they do not bring complication after they have been consumed. Hygiene awareness is a vital aspect that needs to be considered by the company for matters of development. When the company maintains a proper hygiene standard, the customer will like the products that are provided by the company. The action will play a major role by ensuring that the company gets more customers compared to its competitors and this acts as an added advantage for the organization (Sterk et al., 2017).
The company will also have a chance to market itself globally be able to import its products. In addition, well-developed infrastructures that are related to water are among the key aspects that will enhance and promote the potential growth of the company. The company will ensure that it is strategically placed so that it has an easy access to transportation of the product. Good infrastructure will facilitate the speed of sales of products of the company by ensuring that the products reach the market at a required time. The demand for the bottled water is likely to increase and as a result, the level of revenue is likely to increase. The volume and the growth of global water demand will increase in the market. The demand will promote the product of the company by ensuring that the company is making huge amounts of sales to its customers.Potential growth will also be achieved by ensuring that the company is producing and coming up with new products on the market that contains health benefits (Parvinen et al., 2015).
The company should also ensure that it comes up with certain inventions that will ensure that new flavors are in the market in all the new product launches. Therefore the company has to come up with new products that contain diverse functional benefits. The products that have a better taste are likely to be recommended by many customers and this will lead to product popularity.The company also needs to increase the disposable income for bottled water over other competing drinks like the aerated drinks. The increase in consumer preference will attract a lot of demand from the customers hence increasing the sales of the company. Furthermore, the company has to ensure that there is increased demand for the functional and the flavored water. The scenario will fuel and promote the demand for the bottled water across the globe hence making it a world product.