Question Description

1. Watch the Ted Talk: Four principles for the open world… 2. Read the blog Radical Openness… 3. Initial Post (600 words) How does a firm’s corporate culture and organization affect its ability to engage in global competitive actions? 4. Reply Posts (300 words each) Choose two (2) students that you agree or disagree with and reply to them. You can also reply to your professor’s posts. Posts must contain thought provoking and analytical observations ; contributions embedded with academic literature and a list of references are encouraged.* *Posts should be supported by academic literature. This will enhance the discussions

discussion number 1: Culture is inextricably linked with its performance. It’s a key to performance and productivity. Culture also plays a major role in company’s environment and its brand image. There are plenty of researches focused on the effects of organizational culture and how it can be a source of global competitive advantage. “Corporate culture is the amalgamation of values, vision, mission, and the day-to-day aspects of communication, interaction, and operational goals that create the organizational goals that create the organizational atmosphere that pervades the way people work” Miller (2014). To illustrate this, Microsoft, an American multinational technology company, had a performance obsessed culture, wasn’t focusing on culture. In such companies, culture and employees tend to be ignored. However, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella envisioned its potential to increase productivity through power of organizational culture. In such a way, performance is maximized with keeping high morale of employees. The most important thing to do was reorganizing the culture that encouraged intense competition and it was killing tons of useful ideas. Such things could cause disengagement and harmful for the brand image of the company in the long run. In few years, Nadella successfully solved the issue. The mission and culture were focused on that idea of empowering every person and organization on the planet to achieve more; that’s what inspires, drives work and pushes to challenge the status quo every day. At Microsoft they also work to empower employees, so they can achieve more. They believe they should each find meaning in work and ensure employees have the freedom and the reach to help make a difference in the world. Hence, the key focus was new corporate culture at Microsoft was employee empowerment. Employee empowerment is also the key to employee motivation. A culture of diversity and inclusion plus empowerment means growing productivity and a harmonious environment.There are few other new organizational cultures embedded in Microsoft. Growth Mindset: The idea is if company wants to grow, they have no option besides focusing on customer’s satisfaction. Microsoft’s obsessed for performance was shifted to its culture and strategy bringing delightful customer solutions. Diversity and Inclusion: Microsoft started focusing on diversity and inclusion in terms of culture. This helped the company to have better ideas, products and happy customers. One Microsoft: Like mentioned above, the competition between teams was intense. However, after focusing on aligning people and objectives, became able to reduce some of unfair competition inside the company. This can result in major benefits in long run. Innovative culture: In the technological gigantic, innovation is at the root of other things. Things can become great if innovation is made a part of the organizational culture. Once it has become the part and parcel of organizational culture, innovation starts reflecting in every part of the organization. The result is always better performance and better productivity. Microsoft’s organizational culture change is a good illustration of how corporate culture affect its ability to engage in global competitive actions. Microsoft’s corporate culture supports business goals for continuing global success. Such success is based on innovation and responsiveness to customers’ concerns. These corporate cultural advantages show that Microsoft has what it takes to maintain its market position, based on satisfying needs in the computer hardware and software market. References Abhijieet.P.(2017).” An analysis of Microsoft’s Organizational Culture” Retrieved from… Mark.M.(2014).”What Is Corporate Culture and How It Affects Performance” Retrieved from… discussion number 2: Company culture plays a role in the competitive world. According to a survey, about 82% of participants responded, “culture is a potential competitive advantage.” There are so many companies that have different organizational culture. Organizational culture is people’s behaviors and meaning in an organization that people believe and attach to, and it includes company’s vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, interaction, beliefs, etc. Organizational culture is the same as the definition of culture in general but it is in the limited place. It is not something that managers or leaders create for their organization. It is created and developed by all employees, stockholders, and customers. Mainly, most parts of the organizational culture is created and developed by staff and it will affect the company’s future including global market plan. Corporate culture is the most important factor to create innovation. Because the leaders of many organizations know that their culture will help them create innovation, they try to make a better company culture. When a work environment that employees can enjoy working is provided to employees, it will help them to improve their performance every day. There are several keys to build a strong company culture that can be strong aspects when we bring them to the competitive world. – Create a respectful workplace: It is important to give the same level of respect that we want to get from others. Since a variety of people work together in a company, it is important how to treat each other. Respect is something we need no matter where we work and who we work with. We need to admit that everyone is different, not wrong. – Communicate properly: all employees are from different background and culture and they have their own belief as well. Depending on terminologies, tones, accents, etc., the meaning of sentences you want to deliver can be different and there is a chance other people may misinterpret. – Never forget the purpose of company: The reason why people sometimes forget their company culture or purpose of their work is not written down not like mission statement or vision. If people know or understand why the company should exist and what to do to make it continue, it is a good way to write their short-term goals and help employees boost their morale. – Build up trust: leaders and employees should build up trust each other. When they build up a trust relationship, the leader should make the team have ownership and higher goal that they can achieve together. Also, the leader will have his/her team members’ trust if he/she makes them think that they are a part of the company. These concepts help an organization build a strong workplace culture and employee’s performance will get better and better. In the competitive world, there are so many different cultures exist since every country has their own culture and customs. These basic concepts of company culture that a company can have when they open a business in the global market, it will be assets for them because they must deal with people from different background.……