Question Description

I’m trying to learn for my Computer Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

 Exercise 7-2
In this project, you will write SQL statements that return team
names, games played, and number of at-bats from the teamstats
table in the baseball_stats database. You will also write SQL state-
ments that return the teams that have the least and most all-time
home runs. For these select queries, you will need to use the LIMIT
keyword, which restricts the number of records returned from the
database. For example, if you specify a value of 10 with the LIMIT
keyword, the database returns the ?rst 10 records that match the con-
ditions of your query. Finally, you will write SQL statements that use
the SUM() function to return the total number of games played by all
 teams and the AVG() function to return the common batting average
                  for all teams.
                     1.   Return to MySQL Monitor.
                     2.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team,
                          G (games played), and AB (at bats) ?elds from the teamstats

                          mysql> SELECT team, G, AB FROM teamstats;[ENTER ]

                     3.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team,
                          G (games played), and AB (at bats) ?elds from the teamstats
                          table, sorted by team name:
                          mysql> SELECT team, G, AB FROM teamstats ORDER BY
                          team;[ENTER ]

                     4.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team,
                          G (games played), and AB (at bats) ?elds from the teamstats
                          table, reverse sorted by team name:
                          mysql> SELECT team, G, AB FROM teamstats ORDER BY
                          team DESC;[ENTER ]

                     5.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which returns the team
                          and HR (home runs) ?elds. The statement sorts the records by
                          the HR ?eld and includes the LIMIT keyword, assigned a value
                          of 1. Because the records are sorted in ascending order, the
                          statement returns the ?rst record, which lists the team with
                          the least all-time home runs: the Tampa Bay Rays, with 1713.
                          mysql> SELECT team, HR FROM teamstats ORDER BY HR
                          LIMIT 1;[ENTER ]

                     6.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which also returns
                          the team and HR (home runs) ?elds. The statement reverse
                          sorts the records by the HR ?eld and includes the LIMIT key-
                          word, assigned a value of 1. Because the records are sorted
                          in descending order, the statement returns the ?rst record,
                          which lists the team with the most all-time home runs: the
                          New York Yankees, with 13,914.
                          mysql> SELECT team, HR FROM teamstats ORDER BY HR
                          DESC LIMIT 1;[ENTER ]

                     7.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which uses the SUM()
                          function to return the total number of games played by sum-
                          ming the contents of the G ?elds. Because each game played
                          was between two teams in the database, the sum will be twice
                          the actual number of games, so you divide the result by two.
                          You should see a value of 182,525.
                          mysql> SELECT SUM(G)/2 FROM teamstats;[ENTER ]
 8.   Enter the following SELECT statement, which uses the AVG()
        function to return the batting average for all teams by averag-
        ing the contents of the AVG ?elds. You should see a value of
        mysql> SELECT AVG(AVG) FROM teamstats;[ENTER ]

   9.   Unfortunately, this is not the true all-time batting average,                                  441
        because each team has a di?erent number of at-bats. Enter
        the following SELECT statement, which gets the weighted
        average per team, and divides by the total number of at-bats.
        You should see a value of 0.26256022536176.
        mysql> SELECT SUM(AVG*AB)/SUM(AB) FROM
        teamstats;[ENTER ]