Question Description
Im stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.
Can someone please assist me with a 1 paragraph response to each of the following articles:
1.) There are many processes I can think of from my experience that I would love to have changed. The most recent process would be the approval and creation of administrative user accounts on the company’s network. The current process requires that all the proper documents be filled out and a trouble ticket be open and assigned to the incident management section. Incident management reviews the documents to verify that all the documents are fill out correctly and accounted for. When the verification process is completed it is forwarded to the costumer service help desk to work and create the accounts. The help desk is already responsible for processing basic user accounts. The middle man should be cut out of this process and the help desk should process all requests and forward a list of active administrative accounts to incidents management. Incidents management only reason for being apart of the process at all is knowing all the active administrator accounts that have been created. The help desk process for validating user accounts is also more efficient than incident manage which has priorities over account creations.
From my experience the process that I have chosen is the implementation stage. In the implementation stage, the business process that is approved in the design stage is available for review. Implementation incorporates the process with other methods to make the process better and more reliable. Problems can occur and may require going back to improve the process in the design stage.
This process relates to my position as a Video-Teleconference (VTC) Agent. When customers schedule a VTC, they receive dial-in information. Either the VTC is point-to-point or its scheduled on a bridge which allows more than two participants to join the call. Normally, customers are either on the wrong classification when trying to dial or they try to dial includes 99 into the dial in number. This often poses a problem and can cause the customer to join the call late. The VTC Engineers improved this process by implementing the AMX panel to include a HELP button. So, instead of the customer leaving their required room to get assistance, this HELP button can be pushed. When that button is pushed, all AMX panels in the Video Control Center (VCC) will start blinking. At that time, I can go assist the customer with any further problems and make sure they successfully join the VTC. This process was improved because of the amount of time it took the customer to leave the room to make a phone call for assistance to just pushing a button on the panel. This simple installation has eliminated the down-time that it took for our customers to join their VTC.
There are three types of tests that are important in the process:
- User acceptance to ensure the user understands the process
- Functional acceptance to make sure the process performs the functions correctly
- System acceptance technical experts concur that all processes are integrated correctly
After these tests and modifications were completed, the AMX panel was ready to go live.
Grier, S. (n.d.). IT Managers Inbox Resources for IT Managers. Retrieved January 29, 2015, from
Lorette, K. (n.d.). The Implementation Process of Strategic Plans. Chron.
(n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2015, from
Particulary over the internet, intellectual property rights and freedom of expression will come into conflict. Ethical conflicts arise when copywritten material clashes with the freedom of speech of internet users. The Council of the European Union stated, “all human rights which exist offline must also be protected online, in particular the right to freedom of opinion and expression” (De Ruyck, 2014). However, it is difficult to guarantee these rights while also protecting the rights of the copyright holder. Whoever holds the copyright has the exclusive right to their intellectual work, which may hinder internet users who use the work in some way. An example of this is Stephanie Lenz, whose Youtube video of her son dancing to a song on the radio led to the record label suing her for infringement (“Don’t Fear the Internet”, 2012).
My own rights may be infringed on if I posted a drawing to an online site. Since anyone can view it, there are countless opportunities for it to be reposted or for someone to use it for commercial gain. Although I may have created it and hold the copyright, it is difficult to regulate how people use my content.
De Ruyck, J. (2014, May 13). New EU Human Rights Guidelines On Freedom Of Expression, Offline And Online. Retrieved January 29, 2015, from
Dont Fear the Internet: Copyright and Online Freedom of Expression. (2012, August 17). Retrieved January 29, 2015, from
The internet has helped us to communicate and share our ideas to the world. On one hand, copyright law protects the free expression of creators by ensuring that they collect the benefits of their own work.(Couto, 2008). On the other hand, our constitution protects our freedom of speech through the First Amendment, which provides that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances(US. Embassy). But where do these two conflicts? To start, nowadays there so many bloggers online and many of them post their opinion regarding any topic. However, we see blogs where their owners have used copyrighted material from a newspaper or magazine. The bizarre thing about this is that sometimes these blogs have more reads that the actual newspaper. All the research and hard work the author did to publish this paper has been stolen. Also, these blogs affects companies and their revenue. I remembered to read blogs where people were revealing secrets about the new Samsung phone such as paten ideas like touch screen and hardware specifics. Xiaomi, the Chinese manufacturer, has since seen a meteoric rise to success that puts it currently as the world’s number 3 smartphone vendor by volume ( Moreover, Xiaomis CEO used the same slide that Steve Jobs used to introduce new features or products. This is unethical in any culture.
Moreover, with social media we tend to share different pictures that we like either because they are funny or have important information. With so many people sharing this information is almost impossible to stop a copyright infringement. As a human I would like to express my own opinion to the world; yet, my opinions can be stolen for profit of another person. This wont only affect my ideas, but people may think I am stealing others person ideas. For example, one my supervisor took some pictures in our deployment and shared them on his Facebook account. By the end of deployment, someone used some of his pictures for a collage. This collage was presented at the ball and this person took all the credit for these pictures.
I believe that freedom of expression and copyrighted material will always conflict. The ethical part is to give credit to the people for their work. We live in a world that not everyone agrees, but we need respect others people material and ideas.
Android Central,. (2015). Xiaomi. Retrieved 28 January 2015, from
Map, C. (2015). Copyright and Freedom of Expression: a Philosophical Map. Retrieved 28 January 2015, from
Map, C. (2015). Copyright and Freedom of Expression: a Philosophical Map. Retrieved 28 January 2015, from