Question Description
Im studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation.
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and Outline
individuals and groups with efficient guidance through course material that
works synergistically with their learning style to reinforce understanding of
current lesson plans is crucial. When developing learning objectives and course
outline one needs to be mindful of visual learners, kinesthetic learners, and
auditory learners. In this case the class topic is self-efficacy in hand-off
reporting for newly graduated nurses and the students have already been
evaluated and there are three visual leaners, four kinesthetic learners, and
three auditory learners. Incorporating aspects of each learning style into
lesson plans will enhance the ability for the instructor to reach more
students, increasing the number of students successfully completing the course
and retaining the information. The objectives stated below and information
provide throughout this course will be reviewed and presented utilizing aspects
of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learning styles. According to Sinclair
& Ferguson (2009) lecture and group demonstration of nursing skills also
foster passive learning of important clinical information and the associated
critical thinking so vital when providing patient care. Presenting information
accommodating multiple learning styles will be beneficial to the class as a
whole relaying information efficiently to multiple learners.
Identifying the importance of developing self-efficacy in hand-off reporting
Examine strategies that can enhance self-efficacy in hand-off reporting.
Explore the benefits of self-efficacy in hand-off reporting.
Discuss communication barriers as they relate to self-efficacy in hand off
Hour Self Efficacy in Hand off Course Design
Learning |
Activities/Time |
Rationale |
Formative Assessment |
Summative |
Learner |
10 |
To |
Assess |
Learner |
30 minute Power point presentation with Hand-outs. |
The |
Assess |
Learner |
Role |
Encourage |
Assess |
Create Demonstrate |
End 2 |
Give Students |
Assess |
Assess Administer Assign |
Activities and Rational
The use of effective communication
is a core element in the health care arena. It allows effective patient care to
be rendered by those who are ultimately serving as caregivers for a patients duration
in the hospital setting. The lack of
good effective communication has often times been linked to the healthcare
provider not being able to meet the needs of the patient, the underlying
culprit in the occurrence of adverse events, medical errors and diminished
professional interaction amongst coworkers( Norgaard, Ammentrop, Kyvik, Kofoed,
2012). In a four hour learning session geared for the new nurse on the
importance of self efficacy in hand off, the session would be geared to
encompass the learning styles of the visual learner, auditory learner and the
tactile learner. The learning session would initially start with a short
introductory lecture that emphasizes the importance of communication in the
workplace and how the lack of communication can result in adverse events
occurring and poor patient care being rendered. A power point presentation with
audio prompts and scenarios would be introduced with intervals breaks that
would allow for the class to openly discuss the scenarios as a group. This would elicit the thought patterns and
the ideas of the nurses in the classroom on the subject of self efficacy and hand
offs. After the completion of the power point presentation, the nurses would be
allowed to breakout into pairs and given
scenarios whereby different situations would be introduced and the nurses would
be asked to role play and exchange dialog
as to how the situation should be handled to allow for effective
communication exchange in hand off situations.
The scenarios could range from reporting from given situations such as
receiving the patient from the emergency room, the operating room, and transport
to a critical care setting, floor to floor transfer, shift change, reporting to
providers and break relief. This would give the new nurse multiple scenarios in
which hand off would be exchange and allow for some level of confidence to be
gained. After the scenarios have been
completed, the group would be allowed to openly discuss their views on the
scenarios and how negative hand off can impact care that is being
rendered. The completion of the class
would entail a testing module on self efficacy and hand off reporting.
Activities and Assessment
Bandura (2006, p.309) States that self -efficacy is
the perceived judgment of an individual of their capability to perform certain
tasks. Prive (2012) states that the ability to communicate effectively is one
of the hallmarks of Leadership. In order to lead as a new graduate Nurse
communication skills are key to patient safety. Bandura argued that self -efficacy
scales are not predictive of success in carrying out the task in question (i.e.
in this case hand-off communication). However, they are useful in measuring the
levels of motivation of the individuals to persist in face of obstacles and
achieve behavior change or learning (p.319). The preparative stage of the class
will involve eliciting the barriers to self-efficacy in handoff. These item
then constitute the items against which self- efficacy can be measured. Using a
tool developed by Faculty that rates degree of confidence from 0-100 that the
student believes that they can carry out Nursing Hand off efficaciously in
view of the barriers in question (Bandura,2006,p.311). Students will rate their
ability to communicate a head to toe assessment, communicate changes in status
of patient and treatment, anticipate questions, and be organized in thought and
delivery (Dent, 2012).
Self-efficacy, is a belief system that is rooted in
the psychological theory of Human agency (Bandura, 2006, p.309). Bandura holds
that the importance of theory is to effect change in human behavior. In order
to produce change or learning, the way to build self-efficacy should be
utilized in teaching Learners to provide them relevant experiences. Learners
are not uniform in their appreciation and internalization of new information
The visual learners will benefit
from power point presentation of hand off processes and components of hand-off
with auditory reinforcement for the auditory learners. Hand-outs created by the
Faculty on the materials used in the power point will enable kinesthetic
learners to be involved in Learning through writing and interacting with the
material. Role playing will be utilized with case studies of Hand-off scenarios
with students observing and participating in debriefing classmates after role
play. This modality will be effective for the three groups of learners
progressing from simple to more complex learning processes (Billing &
Halstead, 2012, p.178).
to Assess Learning
A performance assessment or
evaluation is a way to determine whether a student has met the expectations or
goals of the program. A performance assessment is useful when proof that a
certain skill is able to be demonstrated or performed against a set of
criteria. In the objectives given, self- efficacy in hands off reporting is the
focus. Several methods of instruction have been introduced through various
styles of teaching, being mindful of the auditory learner, the visual learner
and the kinesthetic learner. Emphasis have been in place to encourage self-
efficacy in hands off reporting. As a tool of measurement, performance
assessment will be utilized allowing the student to demonstrate the skills
necessary for effectiveness in self efficacy in hands off reporting.
A. (2006).Self Efficacy Beliefs of Adolescents. Online Book. Information Age
Publishing. Retrieved from
Accessed 3/8/2015
D.M. & Halstead, J.A. (2012).Teaching in Nursing. (4th ed,) St. Louis,
MO: Elsevier
S. (2012, November 23). 5 Tips for a Great Hand-off Report. Retrieved from
Accessed 3/9/2015.
to assess students learning and performance? Retrieved from
accessed on 3/9/2015.
- Norgard, B. Ammentorp, J., Kyvik, K., Kofoed, P.
( 2012). Communication skills training increasing self efficacy of health
care professionals. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health
Professions.32 (2) Retrieved
T. (2012, December 19) Top 10 Qualities That Make a Great Leader. Retrieved
Accessed 3/9/2015.
B., & Ferguson, K. (2009). Integrating simulated teaching/learning
strategies in undergraduate nursing education. International Journal of Nursing
Education Scholarship, 6(1), 1-11. doi:10.2202/1548-923X.1676