Question Description
I dont know how to handle this Psychology question and need guidance.
Chóngdé is a 16-year-old female who scheduled an appointment with a European American 40-year-old male clinical counselor. Chóngdé requested that this counseling session remain confidential and that her parents would not be made aware that she attended a counseling session. Chóngdés presenting concerns were physical and psychological symptoms which were impacting all areas of her life. Chóngdé reported to her counselor that since she found out that she was pregnant one week ago, she has had difficulty eating, wants to sleep excessively, has lost the desire to socialize with her friends, and feels very anxious that her parents will find out that she is pregnant. Chóngdé reported that she and her parents and grandparents immigrated from China to Ohio when she was 5 years old. She stated that her parents and grandparents still hold to the traditional Chinese ways. Chóngdé stated that she is very ashamed that she became pregnant for several reasons. First, she does not want to dishonor her family, especially her father. Secondly, she and her family are Buddhists and she knows she has not been following Buddhist ways. Thirdly, Chóngdé stated her name in Chinese means honors integrity and she feels she no longer deserves to have her name.
Chóngdé reported that since she started school, she has been a diligent student, performing academically at the top of her class. However, within the last week, she has not been motivated to complete her homework assignments and is quickly falling behind. This is another area in which she does not want to disappoint or dishonor her family.
Chóngdés boyfriend, who is a 19-year-old African American male, wants her to have the baby and wants her to move into his home with him immediately. Although she loves her boyfriend, she stated that her feelings of shame and fear of dishonoring her family are the issues that are weighing heavily on her decision on how to proceed. She stated that although, she does not consider her family members to be racists, she knows that her family members would want her to date and marry a Chinese male.
Chóngdé tells her counselor that she has made the decision to have an abortion and has scheduled the appointment within the next week. Chóngdé begs her counselor not to tell her parents and states that if her parents would find out about her pregnancy, she has plans to kill herself.
The counselor tried to encourage Chóngdé to attend another counseling session and take some time to carefully consider her options, but Chóngdé stated she that she fully plan to follow through with the abortion within the next week.
After analyzing this case study, write an 8-10 page paper in the APA style format. Within this paper, identify the ethical dilemma. Identify and clearly describe each of the ethical, legal, professional, and multicultural issues in this case study. Also, write about the step-by-step process of case analysis of this ethical dilemma through the use of an ethical decision-making model. Use research-based information from professional counseling journal articles and books to support the information in this paper. Address each of the following issues:
Ethical and legal considerations specifically related to this case study and to the practice of mental health counseling (CACREP CMHC: A2).
The step-by-step process of case analysis of this ethical dilemma through the use of an ethical decision-making model.
Counseling professional issues relevant to this case study and to the practice of clinical mental health counseling (CACREP CMHC: C10).
Ways in which living in a multicultural society could have impacted this client in seeking clinical mental health counseling services (CACREP CMHC: E1).
Conclusions on how to proceed with this case based on the synthesis of the information gathered through this case analysis.
Demonstrated an understanding of the ethical issues related to the case study and the practice of clinical mental health counseling (CACREP CMHC: A2). (20 points)
20 Thoroughly identified and clearly explained all of the ethical issues.
16 Identified and clearly explained most of the ethical issues.
12 Identified and explained some of the ethical issues.
8 Identified and explained a few of the ethical issues.
4 Identified very few of the ethical issues and had difficulty clearly explaining them.
0 Did not identify or explain any of the ethical issues.
Demonstrated an understanding of the legal issues related to the case study and the practice of clinical mental health counseling (CACREP CMHC: A2). (10 points)
10 Thoroughly identified and clearly explained all of the legal issues.
8 Identified and clearly explained most of the legal issues.
6 Identified and explained some of the legal issues.
4 Identified and explained few of the legal issues.
2 Identified very few of the legal issues and had difficulty clearly explaining them.
Did not identify or explain any of the legal issues.
Demonstrated an understanding of the professional issues relevant to the case study and the practice of clinical mental health counseling (CACREP CMHC: C10). (5 points)
Thoroughly identified and clearly explained all of the professional issues.
Identified and clearly explained most of the professional issues.
3 Identified and explained some of the professional issues.
Identified and explained few of the professional issues.
1 Identified very few of the professional issues and had difficulty clearly explaining them.
Did not identify or explain any of the professional issues.
Demonstrated an understanding of how living in a multicultural society impacted the client in this case study (CACREP CMHC: E1). (5 points)
Thoroughly identified and clearly explained all of the multicultural considerations.
4 Identified and clearly explained most of the multicultural considerations.
3 Identified and explained some of the multicultural considerations.
2 Identified and explained few of the multicultural considerations.
1 Identified very few of the multicultural issues and had difficulty clearly explaining them.
0 Did not identify or explain any of the professional issues.
The paper adhered to the APA writing style format. (5 points)
5 Followed the APA writing style format with no errors.
4 Followed the APA writing style format with few errors.
3 Followed the APA writing style format with some errors.
2 Followed the APA writing style format with several errors.
1 Demonstrated great difficulty in adhering to the APA writing style format.
Did not adhere to the APA writing style format.
The paper was written in an organized, clear, research-based manner; free from grammatical and spelling errors. (5 points)
5 This paper was organized, clearly written, and based on research; with no errors.
4 This paper was mostly organized and clearly written; with minor errors.
3 This paper was somewhat clear and organized with some errors.
2 This paper had many errors and was fairly disorganized and unclear.
1 This paper was poorly written with several errors.
0 This paper was disorganized, was not clearly written, was not based on research, and
had a significant amount of grammatical and spelling errors.
Hey Neacy, her is the paper outline they way my professor wants it set up
TitleName Malone UniversityDateAbstractThe Abstract is to be a brief summary of the entire paper, including the findings. This section is written last. It is usually one to two paragraphs (maximum). It is never longer than one, double-spaced page. It is on a page of its own.Center Full Title Here Write an introduction describing the ethical dilemma in your own words. Also, describe how you plan to analyze this dilemma. Write from the 3rd person perspective throughout the paper. (Do not use I, or you, or we, etc.) Ethical Decision-Making Model Write a brief description of the ethical decision-making model you will use and how you are going to use it to analyze this case (one or two paragraphs at most). You will be using the Forester-Miller & Davis (1998) ethical decision-making model with the addition of one step that I added: Identify Pertinent Laws. You can find the steps for this model in the PowerPoint presentation. Identify the Problem Identify the problems and ethical dilemma in this case. Provide citations for every sentence that is not your own, original idea. This should not be about your opinion but what is found in literature and research. Apply the 2014 ACA Code of EthicsIdentify Pertinent LawsDetermine the Nature and Dimensions of the DilemmaGenerate Potential Courses of Action Consider the Potential Consequences of all OptionsDetermine a Course of ActionEvaluate the Selected Course of ActionImplement the Course of ActionDiscussion Write one or two paragraphs here. This will be the conclusions you made from the information you gathered in your paper.ReferencesAmerican Academy of Pediatrics (2006). Mind menders: Guide for pediatricians. Teen Health, Consent and Ohio Law. Counseling Association (2005). ACA Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA. Retrieved from G., Corey M., & Callanan P. (2011). Issues and ethics in the helping professions. (8th ed). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.Huang, D. & Charter R. (1996). The origin and formulation of Chinese character: An introduction to Confucianism and its influence on Chinese behavior patterns. Cultural Diversity and Mental Health, 2 (1),35-42.Juhnke, G. A., Granello, P. F., & Lebrón-Striker, M.A. (2007). IS PATH WARM? A suicide assessment mnemonic for counselors. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.LaWriters: (2011).Unmarried, unemancipated minor may seek abortion without notice to parent, guardian or custodian. Ohio Revised Code § 2151.85 Retrieved from:, P. (1987). A Buddhist view of abortion. Journal of Religion and Health, 26 (3), 214-218.Luo, B. (2008). Striving for comfort: Positive construction of dating cultures among second generation Chinese American youths. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25 (6), 867-888.Marathon Studios Enterprises. (2010). Age of consent by state. Retrieved from:, D. (2006). Chinese family research: Puzzles, progress, paradigms, and policy implications. Journal of Family Issues, 27 (3), 275-284.
not those references though because we have to use ACA 2014 code of ethics and Ohio Revised Code Laws