Question Description

I need support with this English question so I can learn better.

Part A: Author Identification

Identify the author of each passage.

1. “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.”

 a. Robert E. Lee
 b. Walt Whitman
 c. Abraham Lincoln
 d. Mary Chesnut

2. “As an American citizen, I take great pride in my country, her prosperity and institutions, and would defend any state if her rights were invaded.”

 a. Robert E. Lee
 b. Abraham Lincoln
 c. Warren Goss
 d. Walt Whitman

3. “Liberty! the inestimable birthright of every man, had, for me, converted every object into an asserter of this great right.”

 a. Abraham Lincoln
 b. Frederick Douglass
 c. Sojourner Truth
 d.Walt Whitman

4. “Reaction after the dread of slaughter we thought those dreadful cannons were making such noise in doing. Not even a battery the worse for wear.”

 a. Robert E. Lee
 b. Walt Whitman
 c. Randolph McKim
 d. Mary Chesnut

5. “I was twenty years of age, and when anything unusual was to be done, like fighting or courting, I shaved.”

 a. Randolph McKim
 b. Frederick Douglass
 c. Warren Goss
 d. Robert E. Lee

Part B: Multiple-Choice

Select the best answer for each question.

6. Which of the following does NOT describe why slaves sang spirituals?

 a. to appease the overseers who did not want silence
 b. to flatter the owner and his family in the big house
 c. to celebrate the blessings in their lives
 d. to emotionally deal with being a slave

7. Spirituals are allegorical for all but which of the following reasons?

 a. The songs can be interpreted on at least two levels.
 b. They often literally depict biblical stories and figuratively depict slave stories.
 c. They personify their surroundings.
 d. The images represent more than their literal surroundings.

8. In “Go Down, Moses,” “Egypt land” refers to Egypt on one level. What else does the phrase refer to?

 a. the South
 b. the North
 c. Africa
 d. England

9. Which of the following does NOT describe the meaning of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”?

 a. Home equals the slave quarters.
 b. Home equals heaven.
 c. Home equals freedom.
 d. Home equals the North.

10. In “Letter to His Son,” Robert E. Lee does which of the following?

 a. urges his son to support the North
 b. agrees that the South has grievances
 c. criticizes the state of Virginia
 d. rejoices at the election of Abraham Lincoln

11.  In “Letter to His Son,” Robert E. Lee’s remark that “we are between a state of Anarchy and civil war” indicates that

 a. no battles had yet been fought.
 b. Lee still hoped for a peaceful secession.
 c. Lee still hoped the South would submit peacefully.
 d. the North hoped for a compromise settlement.

12. “Letter to His Son” indicates that Lincoln and Lee held similar views about

 a. southern interests.
 b. northern aggression.
 c. hoping to avoid civil war.
 d. federal authority.

13. The structural framework of the “Gettysburg Address” is a

 a. single topic, treated succinctly.
 b. single idea stated in simple words.
 c. progression from the past to the present, and into the future.
 d. shift from a simple fact to a broad generalization.

14. The occasion for “The Gettysburg Address” was

 a. the secession of the states.
 b. a ceremony at the Gettysburg battlefield.
 c. the approval of a law banning slavery.
 d. the dedication of a Confederate military cemetery.

15. Why did President Lincoln believe that the Gettysburg ground could not be consecrated or hallowed in a “larger sense”?

 a. The nation was still torn apart.
 b. The battle at Gettysburg had occurred too recently.
 c. Both sides had to dedicate the ground together.
 d. The ground had already been consecrated.

16. In “The Gettysburg Address,” what does Lincoln mean when he says, “the world will little note nor long remember what we say here?”

 a. Words are seldom memorable.
 b. Wartime speeches are unimportant.
 c. Words are often overshadowed by deeds.
 d. He recognizes his speaking deficiencies.

17. “The Gettysburg Address” is notable for all of the following except its

 a. rhythm.
 b. references to the ideals of liberty.
 c. allegorical reference to westward expansion.
 d. eloquent diction.

18. In “The Gettysburg Address,” Lincoln

 a. surrenders the Union forces.
 b. urges people to support the Union and the war effort.
 c. talks about the concept of states’ rights.
 d. presents a long moral argument against the institution of slavery.

19. My Bondage and My Freedom challenged all of the following ideas except

 a. slaves were incapable of reading and writing.
 b. slaves were equal to whites.
 c. slaves were satisfied with their situation.
 d. slaves were comfortable with their position in life.

20. If your purpose for reading is to understand slavery’s effect on people, what conclusion can you draw about Mrs. Auld’s opposition to Douglass’s learning to read in My Bondage and My Freedom?

 a. Mrs. Auld fought to resist slavery.
 b. Mrs. Auld had a strong conscience.
 c. Mrs. Auld’s conscience was destroyed by slavery.
 d. Mrs. Auld should have fed and clothed more slaves.

21. Given what Douglass endures as a slave, what element of My Bondage and My Freedom surprises you?

 a. He trades reading lessons for biscuits.
 b. He feels real affection for Mrs. Auld.
 c. His learning makes him unhappier.
 d. The Aulds try to keep him ignorant.

22. In My Bondage and My Freedom, what does Douglass suggest will probably happen to the white children in the future, when they are older and dealing with “the cares of life”?

 a. They will one day help him escape from his slaveowners.
 b. They will likely accept slavery when they become adults.
 c. They will grow up to be abolitionists and resist slavery.
 d. They will be overwhelmed by business concerns.

23. As revealed in My Bondage and My Freedom, what was a major turning point in the life of Frederick Douglass?

 a. developing a liking for Mrs. Auld
 b. resenting Mrs. Auld
 c. learning to read and write
 d. finding contentment with his life

24. What is Douglass’s final judgment of Mrs. Auld in My Bondage and My Freedom?

 a. She should not have taught him to read.
 b. She should have helped him to escape.
 c. She was not well-suited to slavery.
 d. She could not run a household well.

25. Determine the meaning of the word “consternation” in this sentence: “I have had her rush at me, with the utmost fury, and snatch from my hand such newspaper or book, with something of the wrath and consternation which a traitor might be supposed to feel on being discovered in a plot by some dangerous spy.”

 a. elation
 b. pride
 c. confusion
 d. amusement

26. At first, Douglass says, his mistress acted in a “benevolent manner.” He means that she acted __________ toward him.

 a. indifferently
 b. selfishly
 c. kindly
 d. brutally

27. The word most nearly opposite in meaning to “consternation” is

 a. thoughtfulness.
 b. confidence.
 c. fear.
 d. despair.

28. Determine the meaning of the word “deficient” in the following sentence: “At first, Mrs. Auld was deficient, or, in the skills and attitude necessary to be a brutal slave owner.”

 a. lacking
 b. highly skilled
 c. practiced
 d. experienced

29. In “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” what emotion is communicated as you listen to the refrain?

 a. anger
 b. boredom
 c. longing
 d. fear

30. In “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” to whom does the singer refer in the following: “If you get there before I do. . . Tell all my friends I’m coming too”?

 a. relatives who have abandoned her
 b. slaves who have already escaped
 c. blacks who were born in the North
 d. whites on the Underground Railroad

31. Which line is part of the refrain of “Go Down, Moses”?

 a. let my people go
 b. when Israel was in Egypt land
 c. oppressed so hard they could not stand
 d. if not I’ll smite your first-born dead

32. Which element of “Go Down, Moses” is characteristic of many spirituals?

 a. references to biblical places
 b. references to Moses
 c. warnings of punishment
 d.demands upon leaders

33. In “Go Down, Moses,” what do Pharaoh and the people of Israel stand for?

 a. Egypt and Moses
 b. the U.S. and Egypt
 c. the president and U.S. citizens
 d. slaveowners and slaves

34. What happens during the first incident with the streetcar  in “An Account of An Experience with Discrimination”?

 a. The conductor treats Truth civilly because she is with a white woman.
 b. The conductor refuses to stop the streetcar.
 c. The conductor closes the door in Truth’s face.
 d. The conductor overcharges Truth because she is black.

35. What happens to the conductor who was involved in the first incident that Truth describes?

 a. He is promoted.
 b. He is arrested.
 c. He is dismissed.
 d. He is assigned to a new route.

36. What does Truth’s companion, Josephine Griffing, do as a result of how the conductor treated Truth during the first incident?

 a. She reports the conductor to the president of the streetcar company.
 b. She gets off herself and walks along with Truth the rest of the way.
 c. She reminds Truth that black people are often treated unfairly.
 d. She apologizes for getting on first instead of letting Truth go first.

37. What does Mrs. Haviland mean when she says Truth “does not belong to me, but she belongs to humanity”?

 a. Truth was once was a slave, but she is now free.
 b. Truth is a human being and should be treated like everyone else.
 c. Truth is not a slave, but she is an African American woman.
 d. Truth is working for the hospital and should be treated respectfully.

38. In which sentence is the meaning of the word “ascend” suggested?

 a. The passengers stepped up on the platform.
 b. The streetcar picked up speed.
 c. The streetcar slowly came to a stop.
 d. Truth got off the streetcar.

39. In which sentence is the meaning of the word “assault” suggested?

 a. The conductor grabbed Truth and hurt her as he pushed her from the streetcar.
 b. Mrs. Haviland tried to help Truth get on the streetcar.
 c. The streetcar came to an abrupt halt when Truth stepped in front of it.
 d. People watched curiously as the argument continued between the two women and the conductor.

40. When the president advised the conductor’s “arrest for assault,” he meant the conductor should be arrested because he

 a. discriminated against Truth.
 b. attacked Truth.
 c. spoke harshly to Truth.
 d. refused to let Truth on the streetcar.